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Coming Down from a Trip
LSD, Alcohol
Citation:   Ashley. "Coming Down from a Trip: An Experience with LSD, Alcohol (exp5448)". Mar 3, 2001.

T+ 0:00
3 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:20 2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
What I want to report on is not the trip itself but my experience of coming down off the trip, which so far has changed my life. I had never done LSD or any other illegal psychoactive drug. The evening I did it, I was slightly drunk and naive and thinking illogically about taking LSD. I took three hits at once, then in the next twenty minutes 2 to 3 more. I had no expectations and no time to guess at them. My trip of intense hallucination and heightened auditory experiences lasted probably from midnight to eleven o'clock a.m.

I can't say that there was any one thing good or bad about my trip, but what I made of the situation in the following days is what is important to me. I made the mistake of leaving the place I tripped in, before I fully came down from tripping. I felt and still feel I was ok to drive a few blocks home, but immediately the outside and city and other cars and things I passed on the street were disgusting to me. The only pleasant thing to look at was the sky. I felt angry, hateful, and nauseated by everything that was around me.

I went home and tried to sleep but kept awaking sweaty, uncomfortable, with a shaking headache -- some things looked alright, others didn't. In my own house now, I realized I was still tripping but it was not as calming as the night before. My eyes, stomach and head hurt. If you remember the scene in Trainspotting where the main character is back at his parents in his bedroom and tossing and turning and then sees the baby climbing on the ceiling -- well I didn't see a baby or anything like that, but all that intense sporadic tossing and turning, that is how I was . . .

I grew paranoid. I didn't want to see anyone's face, look out the window, or go in the bathroom. This all faded a bit as the day went on. Things were still 'off'. I decided staying in would be best. So I did - that night and every single day and night for the next seven days. The sun through my window was too bright. The smell of food was too strong. Voices too loud. Everything thing was 'too much', 'too ugly' 'too evil'.
FINALLY a friend encouraged me to get out of the house.

I am better now, but the paranoia carries with me. I don't like patterns or busy colors or being out in crowded places or on the city streets when they're busy. The most soothing things are grey, black, and bright white. I hope this doesn't go on. I used to love art, all kinds of music, people, places, sights, scenes..... Now I can only handle low stimuli. Of course LSD brought me a few good things -- a good moment, better knowledge of how MY mind works, and a strange sense of peace with myself. But I warn against it if you will accept my warning, because I had no idea the effect this drug could have (on me). Granted, I did 6 hits, but it is much too late to turn back and do less or none at all.

p.s. i had been on the anti-depressants zoloft then prozac in the month or two before i did LSD. i tried going back on zoloft AFTER i did LSD, but i can't - the feeling it gives me is dead similiar to how i felt when i began to come down off LSD. doctors tell me and i've read these effects from zoloft are somewhat common . . .

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5448
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2001Views: 12,442
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LSD (2), Alcohol (61) : Various (28), Post Trip Problems (8), Depression (15), Health Problems (27)

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