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Amazing Conversation
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Leanne. "Amazing Conversation: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp54658)". May 20, 2019.

  smoked Cannabis
  1 tablet oral MDMA
    smoked Tobacco
I had done E twice before this. Once by myself and another time with a few friends. I never really got much out of it either time, except an overall euphoria.

A friend that owed me money asked me if I would like a hit instead of the money, figuring that I would probably end up spending the money on it anyway, I said yes. I decided to save mine for the next night because I had already started drinking.

After being picked up by a few friends the next night, I decided to take the little blue pill. We decided to drive about an hour into one of my friends parents house, so we stopped in at my place so I could grab my purse and some other stuff. While there, a friend and I smoked a bowl and were on our way.

During the drive, I sat and talked to my friends, listened to some music and just chilled. My friend kept asking me if I was feeling anyything yet, I responded with 'just the weed', but I could definetly feel it coming on (this was about 25 minutes after taking it).

After about a half hour, I was having the best time. Dancing in the back seat with my friends (who were not on E), giggling, listening to techno, taking pictures, just having an all around good time. I was a bit dissapointed because no one else was rolling but I got over it.

Once we arrived at my friends house I just felt so happy. I stood outside and talked to a guy who was an experienced drug user. He kept asking me questions about what I was feeling and stuff like that, I really liked describing it. After finishing my smoke, we headed inside.

After walking into the house, it seemed so gorgeous to me. The orange and purple walls seemed like they were radiating. The house was very cool, which felt nice because it was so hot outside. I messed around on her computer for a bit while the guy that was with us decided to make a ouija board. While he was making that, I decided to sit and talk with my friends. There were brand new leather couches in the living room and they felt AMAZING to touch. They were so soft, it felt like I was touching leather for the first time.

I decided to go out for a smoke and my best friend (I'll call her S) came out to sit with me. We were just talking about normal stuff, school, our friends, shit like that, when all of a sudden, the topic switched. It felt like, at that moment, I could tell her anything. I had been keeping alot of stuff bottled up inside of me and this just seemed like the right time to tell her about all of it.
I had been keeping alot of stuff bottled up inside of me and this just seemed like the right time to tell her about all of it.
We sat out there for a good hour talking about everything, love, heart break, drugs, family, school, after high school.

This was seriously one of the best conversations of my life. S had told me before that if I had ever tried E, she wouldnt speak to me (her sister is a drug addict and she doesent want me to go down that path), but once I told her I had done it before, she seemed ok with it. Until now; she told me what she really felt. She said that she has seen so many ppl fuck up their lives over drugs and she cared too much about me to let me do it too. I began to cry (this wouldnt be the last time I cried during this conversation). I told her that I wouldnt do it again, I felt happy that she told me this, because I didnt want to ruin our friendship. We also talked about our relationship, and how it hasnt been all that good lately. We talked about trust, and our futures... this made me cry again. It was like I couldnt control my emotions, everything that we talked about just made me burst into tears, I think this is because I have been holding so much back and now that I could let it all out, it was just emotional overload.

Not much happened after this, we played with the ouija board but I had to stop because we were talking to a deceased friend of ours, and he had said not to do drugs. I felt so bad, probably because I was on drugs, and knowing that he didnt like them just made me feel horrible.

All in all, this was probably one of the best rolls so far. I was able to get out all of my feelings and not feel embaressed or ashamed by them. My friend and I now have a better, stronger relationship because of the things we talked about, I have E to thank for this. E shouldnt be taken lightly, it can be a dangerous drug when abused, like any other. Just be careful, and make sure your not using it for the wrong reasons.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54658
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2019Views: 580
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), General (1)

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