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Light Patterns
by N/A
Citation:   N/A. "Light Patterns: An Experience with Acacia (exp54740)". Nov 4, 2009.

3 bowls smoked Acacia (plant material)
Soon after a friend and I learned of a local plant, Acacia containing DMT, we decided to try out the theory.

It was Friday night and we went to our local school where we know of about 3 species of Acacia that grow there, and cut off a small amount of bark from one of the trees. We broke it up into a small pile and put some of it into the cone of the pipe we'd usually smoke Marijuana out of. I was the first to go and just had one big hit, keeping in mind that we don't know too much about it and wanted to take it slow.

I immediately felt a little light headed but nothing to noticable. My friend had one hit and also noted that he felt something. We then packed a cone and had one each. After I had mine, I lay down and stared at the roof of the balcony we were sitting on. It is corragated iron and was seperated down the middle by a piece of wood. After staring for a little over 30 seconds the two sections of roof started moving slightly, pulsating and breathing. And the two sections were moving in opposite directions, then back again. I got over it and had another two cones, beckoning something a little more intense.

After the last two cones I was feeling very wobbly and had trouble walking, so I sat down and stared at the roof again, although this time I was listening to music, mostly Jefferson Airplane and Strawberry Alarm Clock. This time there was a light bulb I could see out of the corner of my eye. The light started moving two and leaving metallic traces of green and purple everywhere it went. The green and purple made patterns, mostly circles and waves but it started pulsating and expanding and contracting. I sat up to talk to my friend but forgot and stared at the houses down the road. They started to change shape and bounce around. And the lights were moving and forming more patterns.

After staring for what felt like 10 minutes we realised we had been there for over 2 hours and left for his house to order some Pizza. After that is a bit of a blur and I remember going to sleep with a headache and my teeth felt like they were vibrating.

This was my first Psychedelic other than Marijuana (whether Marijuana counts as a Psychedelic or not I don't know) and it was quite a fun experience and I will do it again, next time mixing it with some Marijuana and herbs.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54740
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2009Views: 15,143
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Acacia (77) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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