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A Beautiful Payback
MDMA (Ecstasy) & DXM
by Kilo
Citation:   Kilo. "A Beautiful Payback: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) & DXM (exp54752)". Apr 9, 2008.

T+ 0:00
2 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:00 8 capsls oral DXM (capsule)
I’ll start by summerising my life in as short of space possible, to set the stage of this experience. I was always the short fat foreign guy in school, never was good at sports and never really had friends until I started doing drugs. Everything was perfect then from when I was 12 up to my late 18/early 19, that’s when I had come to the point of my life where I realized that I had hit rock bottom and I needed to change my life. But concentrating on this task wasn't easy and it was even harder when I met this one girl, Ashley. She was everything I had always dreamt. A beautiful blond/blue eyed
cheerleader type, innocent in every way, and we became really good friends. But instead of taking advantage of her friendship to help me change I ended up bringing her into my world.

With her everything was better. We'd get drunk together and she would sing my favorite
songs to me, she had the most beautiful voice. She would smoke me up when I couldn't support my own habbits, feed me when I was hungry, even give me a bed to sleep on when I got kicked out of my house. So of course eventually I fell madly in love with her. She would support me in every way and I had fear of losing her friendship so I never told her I was in love with her. So eventually I got to telling her stories about all my ecstacy experiences before I met her, and she decided that it would be cool if we would roll together. I agreed but I was scared she would mess her life up like I had.

Until it came to it, I convinced myself that maybe it would be a good time and I promised myself it would be my last and then I would try to quit all the drugs and get a 'life'. So the setting was perfect, we had planned the night and I had gotten hold of the x and decided to get robitussin in case it wasn't going good. We started at the playground at a school near her house. We drop the x at around 6pm as the sun was going down and I started pushing her on the swing for a while but not really talking. I'm not sure how long I had pushed her but I came back from 'daydreaming' to realize that I had been hipnotized by her beautiful hair blowing in the wind. The full moon was shinning on it making it spark from time to time. I had not even realized I was rolling my socks off!

I suddenly stopped pushing her and called her name out. She responded saying my name. I froze. Her voice was perfect, it felt as if as she said it, it had traveled into my mouth, went inside me and then wrapped around my heart warming it up. I was trapped in the moment and I asked her how she felt. Not even waiting for me to finish the question she got up and turned around staring deep in my eyes she caressed my face and told me she loved me. I was shocked but instantly I realized she was rolling so she probably didn't mean it like that. So I responded with 'You know you are rolling right, I love you too, but no matter what happens tonight remember I will always treasure your friendship, and she laughed saying dude I have always loved you, why do you think I'm always with you.

At this point I stopped caring about any insecurities and I grabbed her and started making out with her. She tasted as good as she smelled, and with her arms wrapped around me our bodies molded together perfectly. I didn't want to let her go. After a while we stopped kissing and I looked at my cellphone. Wow it was 11 pm, and it had felt like it was only 5 minutes. It was cold by now so I suggested we go to her house. She agreed and what would normally be a 10 minute walk turned out to be a 2 hour walk stopping in the woods to make out some more and tell each other how much loved each other and talk about fantasies and everything else. We decided that I was the big bad wolf and she was little red riding hood. When we got to the house before we went in I stopped her to promise her that I would never hurt her and she told me she knew. We had to talk to her dad when we walked in and he was a little upset it was late but he was too drunk to see that we were rolling. Nothing was going to ruin this night.

We made it to her room and I told her if she was tired I would sleep in the living room. She looked at me with a sarcastic look and said I was silly, and then asked me what I wanted to do. Of course I told anything she wanted so she told me to surprise her, and with all the thoughts running around my head only one thought came in clear, to pay her back and show her how much I appreciated everything she did for me. I automatically went to the stereo and put on her favorite song at the time and just as she had sang for me when I was drunk I started singing for her. She wasn't expecting it and it made her fall into a trance and she started dancing for me. She threw me on the bed and asked me what I wanted her to wear and I told her surprise me. So she went to her closet and picked the shortest skirt she could find and a nice half shirt, and with no embarrassment she stripped naked in front of me (wow she had a perfect body) putting on the clothes she had picked out. I was speechless but my body language made her even more comfortable. She smiled with a child like sweetness and told me she had a surprise for me.

She left the room and was gone for 5 minutes but it felt like an hour. In those five minutes I remembered the promise I had made her that I would never hurt her and I remembered that I still had the robitussin, so I decided to chug it so maybe I would just pass out and end the night with doing nothing that I would feel guilty for later. When she came back in she had put on make up, just as I liked, blue eye shadow and pink lipstick, and she asked me how I felt. I told her she was the most beautiful girl in the world, and she jumped on me, making out again like junior high kids.

I noticed the clock out of the corner of my eye, it was only 1:30am. We had been in the room for only half an hour and we had done so much. I was so excited and happy at this point I had to admit I finally knew what ecstacy really was. So I just thought to myself I’m going to let myself go. Finishing that thought I looked up at the clock again. I could of sworn it was only 5 minutes later but it was now 3 am, and I was definitely feeling the robbitussin. She was still on top of me when I felt a cold strong wind thru my body. I asked her if she was cold and she told me no she was burning hot. I was so messed up by this time I looked around the room and trees started growing around the room. They were so real.

I felt I was in paradise. Now my mind felt like my body had felt all night. It was a total nirvana feeling. I decided to get up just to grasp the moment and cherish it. As I did this I looked at the clock. Wow, it was only 2 am. Had I just traveled back in time? This was impossible, but she looked at it too and asked me wasn't it like 3 am just 5 minutes ago. She had experienced it too. Not worrying too much about it I lit a candle, shut the light off, turned the music down low and jumped back into bed. It was perfect. I held her all night and she held me back. It never got sexual in any way except making out and a little body caressing.

The night was over and I never slept, she did though, and I just stared at her and felt her every breath on my chest. She was sleeping beauty and I felt like prince charming. She slept till about 2 pm and woke up to me staring deep in her eyes. I thought it was over, but I was still in my nirvana state of mind and she reach up and kissed me and told me I had given her the best night of her life and that she loved me for respecting her and kept to my promise. Then she told me she could of been mine if I tried, but I smiled and told her she was mine, my very best friend and I would die for her. Then I told her I was glad I had been able to give her a good night and that was the way I showed her how much a apreciated everything she had done for me, even though it was just one night I truly felt that I had payed her back and made her feel how she made me feel all the time.

I did quit after that night, and six years later I don’t even smoke cigarettes any more or drink even beer. I have a beautiful 3 year old daughter and a beautiful wife. Her name is Ashley and I will love her forever.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 54752
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 9, 2008Views: 19,050
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DXM (22), MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Glowing Experiences (4)

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