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Is This Death?
Phenytoin (Dilantin)
Citation:   Nikki. "Is This Death?: An Experience with Phenytoin (Dilantin) (exp54817)". Jul 25, 2006.

900 mg oral Pharms - Phenytoin
  3000 mg oral Pharms - Phenytoin
I had a grand mal seizure and was prescribed dilantin, I was sent home with a 'loading dose' of 900mg and was to continue taking 300mg each day. I am quite fond of getting high off my prescriptions so i decided to take all 900mg at once which didn't seem too dangerous as I was supposed to take them at 2 hour intervals. Sadly to say this was a bad idea. I don't remember a whole lot after this but I guess I took 30 more. I guess by the time I realized what I had done it was already in my blood stream.

I remember going to sleep and waking up and thinking i was dead, i believed this for a week and hallucinated, was in the hospital for three days don't remember it at all. If anybody thinks this a good drug to get high on.. think again, its dangerous in even its normal doses, I now have parkinson's disease because of it. this is messed up stuff!

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54817
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 25, 2006Views: 11,447
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Pharms - Phenytoin (261) : Overdose (29), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27), Hospital (36)

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