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Body Refresher
Citation:   SnoGoat. "Body Refresher: An Experience with Catnip (exp54848)". Mar 27, 2008.

1 cup oral Catnip (tea)
One day I was bored and picked some catnip (about an ounce with stems and leaves and everything fresh from a catnip plant in my backyard). Then I smashed the catnip into a coffee mug in no special way. Once the water was done boiling, I added it to the catnip in the mug, then covered the mug and let it sit for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes I pulled the catnip plant out of the water with tongs. The newly made tea was a shade of murky lime green.

So then I drank the tea at first sipping, then gulping.

+1 minute: It felt like the hot tea was spreading all around my body, not just to my stomach.

+5 minutes: There was a mild body relaxation feeling happening. My body also felt warm. No physcological effects or imparement.

+7 minutes: The relaxed body feeling was slightly increasing. Breathing in seemed a little easier. When breathing in, it felt like I was getting more energy and oxygen than normal. It was similar to the feeling of taking a deep breath after riding an amazing roller coaster, but not as strong.

+10 minutes: The effects have reached their peaks and are starting to fade away.

+20 minutes: Back to normal and it feels like I just took an amazing shower in a waterfall.

Overall, all I experienced was a mild body buzz for a short time. There were no effects similar to normal drugs, instead it was more like taking a vitamin or a health drink. For being bored and wanting to pass the time, it was worth it. If you want to get a good buzz, I wouldn't recommend catnip, because the effects are minimal. If you have nothing to do and are at grandma's house, go for it.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54848
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 27, 2008Views: 14,347
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Catnip (68) : General (1), Alone (16)

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