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It Really Works
Citation:   Lucidity. "It Really Works: An Experience with Melatonin (exp54875)". Mar 12, 2007.

3.0 mg oral Melatonin (daily)
Let me preface this by saying that I rarely feel compelled to write reviews, of any sort, of *anything*, much less something I could pick up at the local store.

So I've been a chronic insomniac for years. Decades, really. The real trouble I've always had is the actual drifting-off-to-sleep component of rest -- I'd toss, I'd turn, I'd get up, smoke a cigarette, get a drink of water, and repeat the entire process over again.

I opted to try Melatonin, in a 3-milligram pill form, after attempting Valerian (no go, by the way, and it smells like utter hell, too). I popped a 3-milligram tablet, waited a moment, popped another one to be safe, and waited about a half hour.

A sense of drowsiness kicked in -- nothing that would really impede me from driving a car or anything, but it was getting noticeably difficult to keep my eyes open. So I headed off to bed and after a few minutes of fidgeting and getting comfortable, shut my eyes and tried to sleep.

And sleep I did. Awesome sleep. Incredible sleep, where I didn't wake up in the middle of the night to take a leak or pet the cat or wander around aimlessly and bleary-eyed. I just slept, and dreamt, and woke up feeling more refreshed than I'd felt in years.

My dream recall had apparently improved as a result, too, as it'd been the first time I'd actually remembered a dream in quite a while.

I've been taking one 3-milligram tablet of Melatonin per day for roughly a month now, and honestly feel better than I've ever felt. I feel more awake during the day, and when I rouse myself in the morning, there isn't even an urge to go back to sleep. I'm just alert and awake.

That's honestly never, ever happened before.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 54875
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2007Views: 15,627
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Dreams (85), Melatonin (94) : Alone (16), Health Benefits (32)

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