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Euphoria to Utter Loss of Control
Citation:   Jerry. "Euphoria to Utter Loss of Control: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp55018)". May 9, 2018.

3.5 g oral Mushrooms (tea)
I decided to do shrroms for a third time as I had great experiences with them in the past. I decided to take an 1/8 since its what I had done twice prior. I made a tea out of dried shrooms and drank them quickly along with my friend. 30 minutes into it we both began feeling the effects. It began with euphoria and complete understanding of what we were as humans. We were having a great time untill it slowly began to intensify. It didnt neccessarily turn into a bad trip but it certainly wasnt fun any longer as both of use began to lose all conception of reality. I began to believe that my entire life was an illusion, that nothing was at all real and I could go anywhere I wanted if I so chose to. It was an entirly schizophranic existence for both of us. I took the shrooms around 630 and at this point it was about 9 pm although it seemed like much longer. At this point I walked into the kitchen to get some water in which case I remember waking up on my kitchen floor and my friend violently shaking me and telling me I had fainted. He kept telling me I was an 'ashin' color and I began to shake violently and go in and out of consciosness. It was at this pooint after I drank some water that I began to feel better. I decided to call my girlfriend and have her come take care of us as we both were completely out of our minds talking nonesense to ourselves and eachother. When my girlfriend got there I kept going in and out of consciousness untill finally I woke up the next day and felt ok. Over all, I'm glad I had someone responsible taking care of me. Pot is great on them but I need to pace yourself and know my limits. It can be a great experience (better than sex, ecstacy, cocain, anything imaginable) although it can be the most terrifying experience of my life. I like to be around good friends, they make it much better and its more fun.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55018
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2018Views: 885
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Mushrooms (39) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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