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Didn't do too Much, or so I Thought
by 515
Citation:   515. "Didn't do too Much, or so I Thought: An Experience with Cyclobenzaprine (exp55080)". Mar 4, 2009.

50 mg oral Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (pill / tablet)
This experience is not my first with cyclobenzaprine but I wanted to report on it because my first experience involved mixing a smaller dose of the drug with a high dose of hydrocodone, alprazolam, and diazapam, and resulted in me having a strange visual trip while sitting in one of my english classes.

The experience I am reporting was only with cyclobenzaprine and was much different than the experience I had the first time.

Me and my friend M had received a large quantity of Cyclobenzaprine from a friend who was taking them for sleep but decided that prescription drugs were bad and she wanted to find a more natural way to help her sleep, so she gave me and M an almost full bottle of 10 mg Cyclobenzaprine's. Since I had an interesting experience before(not thinking about the mixing effects of the other drugs)I figured a larger dose could only be better.

My school was having a large tennis match with a rival school that evening so me and M each took 5 of the 10mg pills and went to watch the match. About 30 mins after taking the pills I really felt nothing, slightly drowsey but thats about it. 1 hour into it I was still feeling a bit drowsy and also slighty dissapointed that the pills really didnt do much.

I waited another half hour or so and still nothing much and we were loosing the tennis match so I decided to go home and take a nap for awile because I was a bit tired and there was nothing to do, so I went home. Now usually when I got home to take a nap or something I will go up to my room because I am a light sleeper and do not want to be disturbed by my family, but when I laid down on my couch and felt tired enough to sleep rite there without problem so I dozed off for awile, so I thought.

Heres where things get wierd, when I layed down it was around 8:30 and when I woke up I figured I had just slept for about an hour or so cuz it was dark outside and 9:30 was when I got dark at that time in the year. But when I looked up at the clock it was 1:30 AM and I was amazed at how long I slept, so I got up and felt really strange, my body felt really heavy and my thoughts were very cluttered and missmanaged, I tried to get up to walk to my room but that was hard.

Eventually I got to my feet and started walking towards the stairs, I was very disoriented and had a hard time walking, I had to use the walls as a support to get me to the stairs. After a long difficult journey up the stairs I laid down in my bed and imediatley passed out.

Now I do not know the reason for this late reaction to the Cyclobenzaprine's, maby if I just would have stayed out a bit longer I could have enjoyed the experiance A but more. Next time I am going to try 30 mgs. with a few beers.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55080
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2009Views: 90,881
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Pharms - Cyclobenzaprine (267) : General (1), Alone (16)

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