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Dimensions of My Leg?
Salvia divinorum (30x extract)
by W
Citation:   W. "Dimensions of My Leg?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (30x extract) (exp55105)". Mar 14, 2009.

0.3 g smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I had experimented with salvia only twice before this and never with such a strong extraction. I was relaxed and very excited to try such a strong extraction of salvia. My friend, I'll call him Jake, was there to sit and also try some of it. The plan was to lay on his bed and he would try it first while I sat for him and then vice versa. He took three hits and then just layed there mumbling about someone named Bradley and occasionally saying, 'Can I'. He later explained that Bradley was the all knowing being during his trip. Then I also took three hits.

Exhaling the last hit seemed to last for at least a minute. I do not remember putting down the pipe or lighter at all. The last thought I can remember was thinking this is a ridiculous thought I must remember it to tell Jake. At this point I had no idea the trip was going to intensify. Usually I have a very strong tolerance to salvia. Soon my thoughts and visions became completely unexplainable. At some point I looked at my slightly bent leg, pipe and lighter all laying on the bed. Then I was seeing millions of different images of this. They were all dimensions and I wanted to get out of them. As soon as I would get out of one dimension and into another, I would want to get out of that dimension. This was the kind of trip where you forget you are even tripping. After about 30 seconds, that of course felt like 5 minutes, I started to come back. I turned to Jake and began to try and explain what I had just experienced. I find that while tripping on anything I can rarely remember the thoughts I have, mostly only the visual or auditory hallucinations.

Afterwards I was very itchy and hot. Jake told me I was laughing the entire time. He also told me at one point I pushed him and yelled,'Let me out of here'. I assume this was in reference to getting out of my 'leg dimensions'. Overall this was without doubt the hardest I have tripped, but I don't think I'll be smoking such a strong extract anytime soon. Jake also said the trip was to intense and uncomfortable for him. We both agreed to sell the salvia to someone else and buy some pot instead.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55105
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 14, 2009Views: 4,853
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), General (1)

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