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Police, Ambulance
Citation:   djneli. "Police, Ambulance: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp55424)". Aug 21, 2006.

40 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
We had what we thought was enough for 3 people. Luckily (for me) there were 4 of us.

Thinking that we were short a dose I decided to rack it into 4 piles [each 40mg (I think)] and snort the stuff.

less than 10 seconds later I was higher than I have ever been. The feeling was intense. Like a really, really good pill mixed with coke and a trip. But the intensity didn't stop. 20 seconds later I was throwing up. Sometime in the following 10 minutes I reached the point of no return... police and ambulance arrived. I stopped breathing once at the house and once in the ambulance. I wasn't expected to make it. My friends were in the police car behind the ambulance and heard over the radio that I probably wasn't going to make it... they were trapped in their own little hell. Me in mine. It was so intense that I tried to strangle myself with my IV line.

Luckily I found my way out of the nightmare and was discharged from hospital after the cops tested the substance and found nothing illegal in what we were taking.

The staff treated us like pure crap for being a waste on there resources.

The experience was wrong. Scary. I still loose sleep sometimes over the whole thing...

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 55424
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 21, 2006Views: 10,929
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2C-T-2 (53) : Hospital (36), Health Problems (27)

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