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Loss of Vision
Citation:   EveryGirl. "Loss of Vision: An Experience with Cannabis (exp55599)". May 14, 2008.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I've had boring or slightly uneasy trips before on weed, but never like this. My friends and I were all going to this party and I didn't really want to go, but I didn't have anything else to do. The party was in a basement that was very hot and very crowded. There were no real lights on, only black lights and a strobe light. Since I hadn't really wanted to come to the party in the first place, I didn't drink anything.

A girl I know had some weed and her and my friend and I smoked a bowl of it in the basement. When we were done, I started feeling kinda weird so I told my friend I wanted to go outside. She told me if we went outside they wouldn't let us back in. But then I started feeling even weirder and I told her I didn't care I really needed to go outside. I couldn't keep track of where I was, I had to constantly remind myself. I saw weird colored splotches of light (like when someone takes your picture), but they didn't go away and eventually they took over my vision and I couldn't see at all anymore. I started telling my friend 'I can't see! Take me outside!' And I tried to walk towards the door, but I had no sense of anything and I fell over. Luckily some boy caught me and carried me outside and I didn't end up landing completely on the floor.

When I got outside my vision came back slowly and as I layed on the sidewalk I started to feel better. My friend who had also smoked followed me and as soon as she got outside she started freaking out and she was like 'Oh god, I know what you're talking about because my ears just plugged up and I can't hear anything.' We waited it out and eventually we felt a little better so we walked back to my dorm and went to sleep. It was sooooo scary though that we both agreed that we're not smoking weed anymore.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55599
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2008Views: 6,211
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Large Group (10+) (19)

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