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Freaked Me Out
Citation:   deathstar. "Freaked Me Out: An Experience with Cannabis (exp5570)". Jan 18, 2002.

  oral Cannabis (plant material)
It seems like everytime I smoke weed I get bad trips. Just anything involved with weed I get bad experiences, I kept telling myself that I won't do weed again and just rather stick to my usual Es and coke.

But one night I was bored and I had some weed and I've read from the internet that mixing weed with food is a really cool experience. I was excited and bound to try it since I had bad experiences with smoking weed so I was like 'why not? Maybe mixing weed with food can be a good experience..maybe it'll change my mind about weed'. What I did was, I sandwiched some weed in between some crackers and peanut butter and baked it for around 15 mins. After that, I ate it and waited for the effects to kick in. It took about 45 mins to take effect. Anyway, I didn't realize I was stoned till I felt kinda dizzy and then my mind was going weird. I could think properly..I know I exist but my mind kept shifting back and forth like going in and out of reality. I remember everything happened in a flash, one second I was in my roomate's room talking to her, another second I was back in my room and I kept going to my roomate asking her if I just went to her room a few mins ago. It was weird, I had this short term memory thing going on during the trip, keep repeating what I'm doing.

This was definitely not a good experience because I was freaking out a lot. I remember that I was also shivering A LOT! I was feeling really cold too, I couldn't control myself, I just kept shaking and shaking, the whole time I was thinking OH GOD LET THIS END! I DON'T WANT TO FEEL LIKE THIS ANYMORE! I couldn't even handle talking, I was slurring a bit and I tried to get some water, trying to pick the cup up was such an effort! I thought that maybe if I put on some music i'll feel better. BUT NO! I put on a pinkfloyd cd and next thing I know..I felt deeply connected with the music I imagined myself in the desert it was really weird but I find that I couldn't handle it any longer, so I turned off the cd player.

I was still having the shifting back and forth feeling so I thought maybe I should go and try to sleep off this bizarre trip...but I coudln't sleep, I was just feeling really dizzy and horrible and I remember time was playing tricks on me. It took forever for a minute to pass! I thought that an hour passed arleady but I looked at the clock, only one minute passed! I coudln't handle it any longer. I thought if one minute passed by so slow, I don't know how I can handle the night. But soon I fell asleep and next thing I knew was it was morning already but I felt so so tired! And I was still a bit stoned. I was in a horrible and tired mood the next day. I hated this so much its even worse than smoking weed. I guess me and weed just don't mix. I've had many friends who tried this method of intaking weed before and they had a cool experience, so I guess it works differently on everyone. All I can say is, if you want to try this, maybe be ready to expect that you might end up in a bad trip.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5570
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 20,343
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Cannabis (1) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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