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Passed a Saliva Drug Test x2
Cannabis & Drug Testing
Citation:   Employed. "Passed a Saliva Drug Test x2: An Experience with Cannabis & Drug Testing (exp55726)". Dec 26, 2009.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
First experience with saliva-based drug testing was done for a job at a grocery store, located in Lexington, Kentucky USA. While I didn't catch any brand names or logos on the test 'modules', it can be described as a spongey q-tip in the style of a toothbrush with a blue handle. I was asked to put it between my bottom jaw and my cheek for 3 minutes. Tasted like ass. 24 hours (almost to the hour) prior to this I had smoked one joint to myself to wake up, and shortly recieved a call scheduling an interview. I wasn't aware of the fact that they were going to do on-site drug testing, I expected to have to fool the bladder cops at a later date - nothing I haven't done before with 2 litres of water and 100mg B-6 complex 2hrs prior to pissing. Note, that prior to this test I considered myself to be a 'chronic smoker', as in I smoked pot basically every day to some degree or another for the prior months.

I got the job and never heard a thing about the drug test, so I assume I passed. I quit later the day I actually started working to work for another company that payed 2x the amount and didn't invade my privacy. This was back in July of '05.

Next experience happened yesterday. This was for a staffing company, being hired on as a temp-to-hire in the same locale. At this point in my life, I no longer consider myself to be a 'chronic smoker', more of an occasional smoker, in the sense of perhaps once a week to once every other week. I had smoked 2 J's with 2 buddies 4 days prior to the test, and finished one of the roaches (to myself) first thing in the morning after that night. I also ate 3mg of zanax that night. Also drank a few shots of gin (not enough to get even tipsy, sadly), if it matters.

The test kit used looked a bit like a plunger. Round and clear plastic. This was stuffed into our mouths for 3 minutes and was pressed down onto our own little 'collection vials' until it was filled with spit 'between the 1.0ml line and the 1.5ml line'. I squeezed enough from the 'saliva collector' to barely be above the 1.0ml line, just to be a smart ass. The 'collection vial' had a screw top that you unscrewed and pushed the collector down onto a bit of a grate to get the spit out of it. On top of the screw top was a pop-cap so it could be turned into an instant dropper. They collected the vials, making sure there was enough (and not giving me shit about my 1ml's worth), and proceeded into a dark room while another person started the orientation slides (wheee). The room was barely lit as best I could tell, perhaps only by the glow of a computer monitor or two (UV light would've also worked for that meager amount of light), and the lights never came on in that room. Sometime right before the slides were finished (perhaps an hour), the 'drug tester' came out and gave an approving nod to our 'orienter'.

Nobody got pulled from the group, as I later found out is what happens if you were to fail the test. I start next week.

In both instances, I was never informed of what drugs I was being tested for.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 55726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2009Views: 43,403
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Drug Testing (59), Cannabis (1) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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