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Heaven in a Hole
Citation:   spacebin. "Heaven in a Hole: An Experience with Ketamine (exp5577)". Jan 18, 2002.

350 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Over a period of a few days, I had been insufflating rather large doses and yo-yoing a hole. All good experiences, the last one shone as the most gratifying altered experience of my life. I wrote about it this morning:

Heaven in a Hole

As the facade of this world began to blur I felt I was a part of something much more fantastic. I was connected to everything around me in a wonderful way that extended beyond the visual connection we are accustomed to in this world. I felt I was a part of a universal mesh that every other substance and being was a part of. I felt interconnected to everything that is, and I was a vital part of it. It was impossible to have a bad thought. There was constantly activity and when something happened elsewhere, you could feel it shooting through your self and everything else likes pulses or waves. Even though I was connected as part of the whole, I was still an individual, no more or less important than any other. I felt as though I had left earth and arrived in Heaven. I was a part of the universal goodness of God. I realized that Life on Earth was a facade created by ourselves and was just one of millions of facades we will create throughout eternity to fascinate and explore ourselves to the fullest. Everything that happens here is an integral part of what is happening there, and I know I will return when it is time.

I would think after having an experience like this, I would detach myself from this Life. But it only made me feel more connected to a beautiful thing that I feel so unbelievably grateful exists.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5577
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 22,786
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Ketamine (31) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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