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Hallucinatory Effects
Ecstasy (MDA?) & Alcohol
Citation:   jasen. "Hallucinatory Effects: An Experience with Ecstasy (MDA?) & Alcohol (exp5594)". Jan 18, 2002.

2 hits oral MDA (pill / tablet)
    oral Alcohol  
  1 hit oral MDA (pill / tablet)
One night as we prepped to go out I took two tabs of what I was told was MDMA but later discovered was MDA. I've never had much of a problem with drinking alcohol and using Ecstasy at the same time but I don't drink much to begin with. We got started pretty early so we decided to hit a bar before going to the clubs. By the time we got there the drugs were kicking in and I was regretting taking them so early but didn't care too much. I had a couple of drinks at the bar and moved on to our first club. By the time we had reached the club my mind was doing somersaults. That's really the only way I can describe it. It was almost as if someone was scrolling new images and feelings across my conciousness every few seconds. I realized that what I had taken was hitting me much harder than I anticipated and was much speedier than usual. Inside the club my mind started speeding up even more and the world around me seemed to be much smaller.

Sometimes I'm a big dancer, I'm all across the board dancing in huge circles around people and the club. The more I danced the faster the world moved and the faster my mind changed focus. I started to see things appear and disappear in front of me as if it were a split second frame in a movie. People were suddenly in front of me talking and then they would disappear. The effects kept becoming more intense so I sat down for awhile and I started to see all sorts of objects around me. I remember turning around and the bar that was there was now a city bus with people standing around it.

As the night wore on I took another pill and vomited shortly therafter. It wasn't bad, it was just my body telling me to slow down a bit. After I vomited I was back up and dancing and off to other clubs.

Overall it was a good experience and I have taken MDA since then but the halucinatory affects have never been the same without alcohol which I actually have to say is probably a bad idea.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 5594
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2002Views: 6,315
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MDA (34), MDMA (3) : Club / Bar (25), Combinations (3)

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