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Too Mild for My Tolerance
Opioids (Meperidine)
Citation:   sixthseal. "Too Mild for My Tolerance: An Experience with Opioids (Meperidine) (exp56028)". Sep 21, 2006.

50 mg IM Opiates (liquid)
Pethidine is also known as meperidine a.k.a Demerol, an opiate agonist used for moderate to severe pain, with an equivalency of 7.5 mg of pethidine to 1 mg of morphine in parenteral administration. Pethidine/meperidine has a duration of 2 hours so it's a pretty short acting opioid. I was out doctor shopping the whole of last night and didn't get a hit out of the five medical establishments I went to. I guess six is my lucky number coz I managed to get a pethidine IM injection from it. =D

[photo no longer available]

This is Injection Pethidine Hydrochloride 50 mg/ml made by DuoPharma (Malaysia). I have never tried pethidine IM injection so imagine my glee as I made this happen. ,)

Doctor: You were here for DF-118 last time right? The medical record says you have a bad back.
Me: I actually had a slipped disc (actually, I don't ,)) and it slipped again for the second time.
(makes 'ouch face', grimaces and made as if my spinal cord was killing me)
Doctor: Do we have DF-118 here? (talking to nurse)
Nurse: (after rummaging through the restricted access medication cabinet, they don't have it, I know that coz I've been here before) No we don't, but we have Voltaren.
Doctor: Do you want something else? I can give you another pain-killer.
Me: (Hell no! It's opiates or nothing) Doctor, I hope you can help coz I'm in a lot of pain right now. Can you write a script or something?
Doctor: Okay, do you have a medical history of your slipped disc?
Me: Yeah, I had an MRI and X-Ray done in KL, where it happened (which didn't happen, of course ,)) and the prognosis was a slipped disc, which I slipped again just now (*grimace of pain*)
Doctor: Do you have it with you?
Me: No, I'm sorry doctor, I left the medical documents in KL...
Doctor: Okay, well since you have a prior here, I'll script you. Is there anything else?
Me: (pushing my luck, deciding to go for gold) Hey, I know this is a strange question, but I'm in a lot of pain right now, do you have anything to help me get through tonight? Can you give me a morphine shot? (Prays to God he doesn't go amok)
Doctor: Morphine...hmm...well, we do have morphine but we don't give it to outpatients. I think we have pethidine though, do you want that?
Me: Is pethidine an opiate? (Knowing full well it is, but no harm in playing the dumb patient)
Doctor: Yes it is.
(Writes Pethidine 50 mg IM stat on my medical record)
Me: (looks) (tries not to grin) (tries not to grin again, perhaps somewhat unsuccessfully) Thank you very much doctor.
Doctor: Alright, just lie there and I'll prep the shot.
Me: (puts on a show of painful lying down and bolts straight up, apparently with a good back again) Hey, I'm sorry doctor, another unusual request, can I take a photo of the pethidine vial?
Doctor: Why?
Me: It's just an interest of mine. (starts photoshoot of the IM pethidine 50 mg snap off ampoule) Thanks doctor.
Doctor: Okay, I'm going to inject you now. Turn over.
Me: Er...can I take the IM injection in my arm? (I don't want the doctor to see my thigh, which is the best place to bang shit if you're holding down a professional job - full of scar marks and bruises from injections - he would have known for sure I'm an IDU - Injecting Drug User).
Doctor: (Grips my arm) Seems to be okay here.
Me: (starts filming the procedure)

[photo no longer available]

Script from pethidine injection video:
Me: Is it in? Pethidine 50 mg?
Doctor: Mmm...
Me: Okay, IM, (Jesus Christ, I should not have said that in the video but it just slipped out).
(sounds of pethidine injection process)
Me: Yeah, that's the place.
Doctor: Hmm...why do you have some bruises here?
(OMG those are my IM injection spots when I was injecting ketamine)
Me: Er...uh...they're some just bruises, ya know. I probably hit something.
(Quickly changes subject)
Me: So, is that pethidine 50 mg?
Doctor: Yeah.
Me: Thanks.
[video no longer available]

Doctor: Are you driving?
Me: (actually I am)
Doctor: This will cause the usual opiate side effects, drowsiness etc. so be careful.
Me: I will, my friend is just outside (actually no one is outside, I don't take friends on doctor shopping expedition after a disastrous incident where I lost a good doctor coz me and my friend was stoned and high on meth and she had a laughing fit).
Doctor: Okay, here is your script. You're not a drug addict are you?
Me: (*coughs and nearly chokes*) Of course I'm not. I hate drugs. ,) (I didn't wink, I'm just winking on the blog)
Doctor: Good.

Price of 50 mg pethidine vial: RM 10
Price of surgical consumable items (that means the syringe and swabs): RM 0.40
Price of boosting a pethidine shot: PRICELESS! =D

Pethidine Experience Report:
(10 minutes after the shot)
Me: I'm not feeling it yet, doctor? How long does it take to kick in?
Doctor: It's not going to be so fast.
Me: So we can't IV pethidine huh?
Doctor: (gives me a strange look) No, it's for IM.
Me: Okay, thank you very, very much doctor.
(Shakes doctor's hand very vigorously, perhaps too enthusiastic to be unsuspicious)

[photo no longer available]

T+ 0:30: A general feeling of elation and well being. Don't know if it's the pethidine or the euphoria of getting away with a shot of pethidine just like that.
T+ 0:45: Cigarettes smokes well, like on opiates but it's nowhere near as strong as dihydrocodeine. It does give a rather pleasant high though - kinda chill, but still motivated, I'm typing this as we speak, which I usually don't.
T+ 1:00: I think this is the peak - it's nothing special - I could compare it to a cross between tramadol and codeine if that makes sense. It feels like tramadol + codeine...and er, it seems a wee bit hallucinatory, I don't know how to explain it, it's like the feeling when I get a hit of LSD and am about to come up and trip, but it never happens. I just mentioned it coz I saw the cigarette smoke drifting off. Perhaps a more apt description would be a very mild case of Ambien induced hallucinations.
T+ 1:30: Hey, I'm feeling a little of that opiate warmth now. It's nice but too mild for my tolerance.

50 mg of pethidine wasn't enough to get me off, but I did feel good - which part of it is the phethedine and which part is the elation of pulling this shit off is subjective. I'm full of glee though. :)

Pethidine IM feels a lot like a combination of tramadol and codeine at doses of 100 mg and 300 mg respectively. There is a general feeling of well being and slight stimulation but with some of the jitteriness of tramadol (very mild). It's more like a cross between tramadol and codeine. The opiate warmth is present but mild. At my tolerance level, 50 mg of pethidine isn't much, but at least I can feel it...and I'm STILL feeling st0ked about pulling this off! =D

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56028
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 21, 2006Views: 46,758
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Pharms - Meperidine (408) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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