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Slowly but Surely
Citation:   KidWithTheJaw. "Slowly but Surely: An Experience with MDA (exp56213)". Aug 24, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 1 tablet oral MDA (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: While it may be that the substance described is pure MDMA, Ecstasy/Molly tablets and powders are notoriously impure, misrepresented, or adulterated. Ecstasy sold in retail contexts such as festivals or parties often contain chemicals other than MDMA.]
We started off our night planning on 3 friends and myself deciding to get ecstasy. We had a comfortable house to roll in and the beans were ready to arrive (although they were pretty late). My friend Troy decided to buy all the rolls himself and sell him to us for the same price. He left to pick them up, but when he came back he had bought 20 rolls instead of the 7 we planned on. He said he was prepared to sell them to other people he knew of who wanted to pop off as well, most of them trying ecstasy for their first time. He had brought back pinkish louis voutons. They looked pretty clean, which made me feel skeptical but I kept an open mind.

At about 2:00 AM everyone popped off. Initially I just took 1 tablet.We waited around for about 40 minutes and started to notice a slow but definite come up. I had feelings of excitement but after about an hour I began to wonder if it was just the anticipation building up.

By 3:00 AM I began to feel pretty unsettled. I was sort of naseaus but decided to take my second pill anyways. One of the people we had'nt planned on rolling with, mentioned her house being available for rolling. Everyone was feeling uncomfortable in the house we had started to roll in so we decided to move the party.

3:30 AM. At this point we had everything together and loaded up in cars to leave. My pills had definitely kicked in. I noticed however I did'nt feel any of the usual energetic, stimulated high usually accompanied with ecstasy. At this point I could only notice my appreciatioin for social interaction, and especialy strong warm body rushes.

When we arrived at the house we had everything set up within minutes. The typical loud techno, glowsticks, strobe lights, and other various trip toys.

After this my memory is fuzzy and the night feels like a dream. What varied from this roll to the others was mostly the energy. We eventually gave up on the glowsticks which became too tiring, and required too much focus. My high all night was very lovey and euphoric. As far as trying to blow up we stuck to things like massages and mostly lied around on beds listening to the especially meaningful techno.

The best points of the night were when we would line up on the walls and pass each other out. With what I had started to suspect was the much trippier MDA, passing out was increasingly amazing. I felt like I was in a different reality for at least 30 seconds each time. When I awoke they had placed a strobe light inches from my face, which was probably the most intense blow up I've ever had.

Coming down was very pleasant. I had a good mood all day and was able to sleep soundly after rolling as well as eat plenty of good food.

Really, MDMA is more of a combo of highs. However MDA was a great experience. Although I was'nt stimulated at all, my enhanced perception seemed to increase tenfold from this roll. I also appreciated its affects to be a lot less harsh on my body and mind. I enjoyed it very much and plan on doing it again sometime.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56213
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 24, 2018Views: 1,260
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MDA (34) : Large Group (10+) (19), Hangover / Days After (46), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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