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Rollercoaster of Fun
by Gabe
Citation:   Gabe. "Rollercoaster of Fun: An Experience with Cannabis (exp56249)". Aug 24, 2007.

2.0 g smoked Cannabis
One day after a night of boredom me and mate who will be known as MW rocked up to a mates place looking for some billys. He gave us about a 20 worth of good hydro. MW chopped up and we proceeded to smoke away. We went cone for cone until the mix was over. MW said he had to get back to where he was staying and walked home.

I stayed on the couch in my mates room and watched AUSTAR. As I sat there I thought ‘wow he talked up this hydro a bit, I think im gonna go and get a drink.’ But when I tried to move I was stuck to the couch. I shut my eyes to try and focus myself and that’s when the rollercoaster experience started. I felt as if I was flying along in the rollercoaster, banking up turns, flying down hills, slowing to go up slopes and I must admit I was really enjoying myself. This continued for about half an hour until I reopened my eyes. I had a cigarette after my body could move again. My mate came in from whatever he was doing and I told him about what had just happened.

He said that the pot did the same thing to him today. So we chopped up again and smoked another session and proceeded to ride the rollercoaster Again. This has never happened to me on any other pot and I must admit it was the first hallucination I'd had off pot and it was a great one.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 56249
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 24, 2007Views: 4,953
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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