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Its True Power
Citation:   The White Rabbit. "Its True Power: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp5631)". Mar 12, 2001.

40 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
This substance is one all parties need to respect regardless of past experience, age, or wisdom. Last weekend I decided to take 2-ct-7 for the second time hoping for a more prominent response. I recieved it in a powder form, supposedly weighed out to two doses about 20mgs a piece. The first time I attempted taking this drug I took the cautious aproach, ingesting a very small amount of the 'blue mystic' powder. I was disappointed receiving little more then trails and dialated pupils. There were no real visuals, and I was more clear thinking then ever.

This weekend I got a bit more cocky and paid heavily for it. An hour after ingesting a moderate portion of my bag I began to feel a relatively intense speedy roll, normally associated with mdma. I unfortunately don't care for this effect, making it more unpleasant. Soon came visuals of intense proportions, nothing like I have ever experienced even on 500-600mcgs of LSD.

This lasted almost 12 hours. The craziest aspect was the flashing lights and 'black hole' light effects 2-ct-7 produces. As I walked down my hall to the bathroom it was as if the hallway had been cut into thirds moving asymetrically towards the apparent vanishing point at its end.

I laughed at its power, but more in shear amazement then in enjoyment. A word to the wise: 2-ct-7 is a powerful psychedelic and can surely be utilized responsibly. However, it is not a drug for any newbie to psychedelics, and it can test the wits of even the most experienced psychonauts.

Please be responsible for this crushed me like no other psychedelic I have ever taken. This warning comes from an individual who has been paid to sit over insane LSD and mushroom trips. 2-ct-7 can be enjoyed assuredly, but responisbility, support, and research should be undertaken before jumping into the colorful cavern it creates.

The White Rabbit

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5631
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 12, 2001Views: 14,328
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2C-T-7 (54) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5)

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