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Thoughts Came to Light
Cacti - columnar & Cannabis
Citation:   initsrightplace. "Thoughts Came to Light: An Experience with Cacti - columnar & Cannabis (exp56459)". Dec 13, 2022.

T+ 2:00
400 mg oral Cacti - Mescaline-containing (tea)
  T+ 2:00 couple bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
Did He Ask if You Were on Mescal?

Well, it all started off in the morning at 6 am at my work being extremely exhausted due to the lack of sleep from the night before. I was working with my friend who I will call C. I had planned that day to be my first day of trying the drug mescaline but was skeptical on whether I should go through with it because I know for a fact that psychedelics and lack of sleep do not mix. During my shift, my friend C kept egging me on and making references to the drug like 'mescalito' and how he is looking forward to this insane experience. My friend C is a very influential person and makes the most fucked up situations seem comfortable. I have taken dxm (which I would highly not recommend) and LSD with him before. I also got the urge to try mescaline because of my friend N's experience that he told me about until a certain point. He said at one point in his trip that he died and had a religious experience with god that he would not mention in his story because he said it would 'belittle the experience'. Already being a fan of LSD I thought wow, how could a drug be SO personal that you cannot describe it to anyone else. Anyways, back to my story.

We finally finished our shift at 12 pm and decided to head over to my friend B's house to pick him up. My friend B and I recently met senior year of high school. He was so interested in hallucinogens and read books about them, but never had the opportunity of using them. I gave him his first dose of acid and we tripped together. He later concluded that it was everything he wanted it to be and that it was the best drug in the world. After picking B up, we headed over to my friend Z's house. My friend Z and I have known each other for a few years and was my source of LSD. Being such a good friend, I knew that my source was reliable. (VERY IMPORTANT WITH ANY DRUG). My friend Z and N are friends and was also N's source of mescaline. We went into his house noticed an awful stench which was the smell of the cooked up San Pedro cactus. My friend Z figured out a way to cook down the cactus to get the mescaline alkaloids into a green drink (very long and tiring process). My friends C, B, and I were very anxious to have our doses and didn't know what to expect. I had been to Z's house the day before to take a sip off the green goopy substance (looks like naked juice 'green machine'). Words cannot describe the taste but it is the worst tasting thing I have ever consumed.

When my friends were taking their doses, my mom called me and said I had to be home because she had to go to a concert and I had to baby-sit my little brother. I had a situation on my hands. I had planned out this trip for about 3 weeks and was mentally ready for it. So then I decided to take my dose around 3 pm and drive to my house because my friend Z claimed that good mescaline comes on slow. I drove home and walked very slowly to the front door. The cactus juice COMPLETELY coated my stomach and prevented me from doing any strenuous physical activity. My mom left and I was there by myself for a few hours lying on my couch trying to prevent any movement causing me to vomit. I turned on the TV and started watching 'Yo Mama'. An hour had passed by and I was not feeling good at all. My body wanted to completely reject this substance. I then quickly grabbed a trash can and threw up. The taste of the cactus juice was in my mouth which caused me to throw up even more. I know for a fact that I didn't throw up my entire dose and that this substance was definitely still in my body.

I could feel it pulsing in my veins and could feel my stomach telling me that I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I turned off the TV and looked at my dogs. From previous psychedelic experiences, I have come to realize that animals such as dogs have a weird sixth sense and know when I am on something. My dogs walked away from me and I looked up at my walls. My walls in reality are light tan, but the mescaline started to kick in and they completely all turned lime green. I have taken acid and mushrooms alone few times before, but this drug was different. It held me on my couch and I noticed that my penis was completely messed up and it was very difficult to urinate, I thought my body was having an allergic reaction to this drug. I took off all of my clothes except for my boxers and decided to put on PJ's and turn on some music (The Beatles - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds) and I started to trip out on my tile floor which has flower patterns that were running all in different directions.

I called my friend Z and told him that everything was going wrong and told him to have him and everyone else to come over. The music started to help my trip be more relaxing. At 5 pm, my friends came over and they were glad to know that I was alright because they said I sounded like I was going to die but my friend Z told me that he highly doubts that there is any allergic reactions to this drug.

We then microwaved some left over pizza which I found to be extremely difficult and then eating it was even harder. We went outside and sat by my pool and brought out my bong and decided to smoke some pot. I snapped a couple of bong loads and then suddenly everything was ok. I was one with nature and my friends. My dogs came outside and I started petting one of them. I was overwhelmed by this positive energy that I was receiving from petting him and then I began giggling just letting go of all of my troubles in life.
I was one with nature and my friends. My dogs came outside and I started petting one of them. I was overwhelmed by this positive energy that I was receiving from petting him and then I began giggling just letting go of all of my troubles in life.
I looked over at Z and his face was morphing and had cat/lion like features and then looked at B and noticed that the drug started kicking due to the fact that his pupils were extremely dilated and he couldn't seem to find a comfortable way to sit in his seat. I quickly ran inside and grabbed a popsicle and started waving it in front of B's face and making a funny noise and doing it faster and faster while he was fearful but laughing at the same time.

My little brother's friend's dad brought my little brother home and I tried to act as sober as possible. Then a complete feeling of paranoia kicked in. 'Did he know I was high? Did he know what I was on? Is he going to tell my mom?' I tried to be as normal as I could for my little brother and he wanted to go swimming in the pool. He went swimming while my friends and I talked. I asked them if I was acting normal around my little brother's friend's dad and my friend Z said, 'Did he ask you if you were on mescal?' which I then realized that there was nothing to worry about. I was leaning my elbow on the arm of the chair and had my hands on my face holding my head up and I slowly started to feel my fingers going through my face. My little brother was giving me an angry stare from the pool and then his blue eyes became so vividly bright. I felt rushes of anger being thrown at me from him and then he completely morphed into Smeagel from Lord of the Rings. I ran inside and turned on the TV to calm me down. Everything in the show was going way too fast for me to pay attention to what was going on.

At 7 pm, my friends then left and my little brother and I hung out. We went inside and ate some more food and then I put on a movie for him to watch in his room. The drug was still pumping in my veins and its effects were still working more than ever. I called my sister and asked what time she was going to be home because I was very tired and she replied that she was going to be home in twenty minutes so I was able to go to sleep. I then went on the computer and stared at my screen saver for ten minutes straight. (mastodon - blood mountain album cover) The spaces that contained very detail were moving in and out of the computer screen. This drug completely fucked my depth perception.

I then went up stairs being very tired from the lack of sleep and went into my room and laid in my bed and listened to my ipod (Radiohead - Kid A). The music was flowing in and out of my body and it felt like the band was playing live inside of my head. I turned off my ipod and closed my eyes to fall asleep. Closed eye visuals were extremely intense and I do not know when I feel asleep or when I was awake. Hours seemed like seconds. I would close my eyes and then look at my clock and hours would pass.

Thoughts came to light.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56459
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2022Views: 405
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Cacti - columnar (10), Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Music Discussion (22), Nature / Outdoors (23), Families (41), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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