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Shooting Star
Piperazines - BZP
Citation:   Riverheader. "Shooting Star: An Experience with Piperazines - BZP (exp56575)". Oct 20, 2006.

The initial rush on injecting BZP is one of heat and pain it's as if I am raging as there is much fist clenching and jaw grinding. This passes in a matter of moments to a pleasant state of euthymia, yeah euthymia not high just normal feeling.

Interesting thing about the rush on BZP I feel it working on sights of injury in my body. If for example I had been walking alot I would feel a glow in my feet and then they wouldn't hurt anymore. I also feel it in my lungs as a smoker I can feel it exfoliating. The high from this much bzp is characterized by intellectual stimulus erotic stimulus and the ability to go with out sleep. While on the subject of eroticisms I should that one is practically prevented from coming on this stuff.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56575
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 20, 2006Views: 13,123
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