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Some CNS Stimulation
Citation:   Shroomius. "Some CNS Stimulation: An Experience with Phenylephrine (exp56692)". Jun 20, 2007.

20 drops smoked Pharms - Phenylephrine
I was sick with a cold, so I bought some nasal decongestion spray. This was the one with phenylephrine in it. I had experience with the one with oxymetazoline hcl, so I thought I would try phenylephrine. Here is what I did. I put about 20 drops on a plate and then microwaved it to evaporate it, then I scraped it up with a knife. I rolled it into a ball and put it in my pipe and proceeded to smoke it to see if there was any CNS stimulation. Upon inhaling the smoke, it is very similar to the oxymetazoline when doing the same procedure described.

All in all I would say that it was kinda pleasurable. Kinda like amphetamine, but not exactly the same. My pulse rate was increased a little bit after smoking it. In my opinion there is some CNS stimulation and it feels quit pleasurable. I don't know if dopamine is released or not. The place it felt good was on the very top of my head and on my temples. The pleasurable feeling seems to grow when smoking more.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56692
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 20, 2007Views: 42,180
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Pharms - Phenylephrine (219) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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