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Don't Get Your Hopes Up
Citation:   Gomezz. "Don't Get Your Hopes Up: An Experience with Catnip (exp56697)". Dec 17, 2007.

1 cup oral Catnip (tea)
So two of my friends and I were out of weed, and after reading a little bit about catnip online we figured it was worth a try for a little buzz. We went out to the pet store and bought a 14.2g bag of 'Premium Catnip' for $1.50. We brought it back home and decided to make some tea. I had read that smoking proved to have no effect so tea was the next best thing. I boiled some water, and while we were waiting for the water to heat up I stuck a pinch of the catnip in my lip like tobacco to see if that had any effect.

We crafted some custom tea bags out of coffee strainers and each poured about 1/4 of the bag into our strainers. After letting the tea steep for a while, the water had turned a dark orange/yellow color and smelled exactly like any other tea. I sipped mine slowly with the catnip flakes still in my lip. After a few sipps I felt a slight lightness in my head, as if you just took a first hit from your pipe. It tasted a little minty, and not bad at all. I got very excited and started to gulp more. Alas, the feeling never intesified. With every gulp I just felt the same feeling again and again and it subsided within a matter of seconds.

Overall I would say that it's not worth my time. It doesn't really taste good enough for me to have it on a regular basis if I'm not getting much of an effect out of it. Although I could see a nice cup of catnip tea going nicely with a joint sometime in the future.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 56697
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 17, 2007Views: 19,459
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