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Heart Rate Extremely Increased
Vinpocetine & Amphetamines (Adderall IR)
Citation:   Chris. "Heart Rate Extremely Increased: An Experience with Vinpocetine & Amphetamines (Adderall IR) (exp56800)". Oct 21, 2006.

    Amphetamines (daily)
  20 mg oral Vinpocetine (daily)
I just started taking Vinpocetine (10MG twice daily with food) and I have noticed a substantial increase in heart rate. I am also currently on Adderall IR. My heart rate was also increased on this medication, but not as much as with vinpocetine.

The strange thing is that when I take vinpocetine after my adderall dose (as long as 4 hours after) my heart rate is high, but not as high as it is when the adderall wears off. Without Vinpocetine my heart rate is around 70-80 beats per minute. With vinpocetine for a duration of about 20 minutes my heart rate was 110 beats per minute, however it does start to return to normal 30 minutes after ingestion. So, if I am taking Vinpocetine I have to be careful and monitor my heart rate and blood pressure. I have heard it can lower blood pressure also.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56800
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2006Views: 17,988
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Vinpocetine (162) : Combinations (3), General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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