Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Extremely Intoxicated and Not Thinking Rationally.
Ketamine, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   Hustle Rose. "Extremely Intoxicated and Not Thinking Rationally.: An Experience with Ketamine, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp56867)". Jan 28, 2019.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
    smoked Cannabis  
Why You Shouldn't Mix Ketamine and Alcohol

It was a Friday night, so me and a whole bunch of friends were planning on going to Dark Side of Oz, which plays one Friday a month at a local theatre. For those of you that don’t know what Dark Side of Oz is, it is The Wizard of Oz played with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon. Usually people don’t go to it sober, although you can.

Usually the way drugs work with me is I start to like a particular drug and I usually stick to that drug for a few months and then I get bored of it and move onto a new drug. Over the past month, I’d taken an extreme liking to Ketamine. I had been using it every day – maybe with a few exceptions – for the past 3-4 weeks. Before school, during school, after school, before bed, on the weekends, whenever I felt like it. So it wasn’t surprising when I decided that I wanted to go to Darkside on Ketamine. The atmosphere of Darkside was seemingly perfect for doing k. There was soft, mellow music playing and lots of friendly people. It didn’t involve much moving around, I could just sit in my seat and enjoy.

I went to my friend’s house where a couple of us were hanging out before heading over to the theatre. I did a bump of k there, though not surprisingly it didn’t really do much as my tolerance had gone up over the past few weeks. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any k left, but what I did have was half a bottle of kahlua. So I decided to get drunk and then go to Darkside. I drank the half bottle of kahlua on the bus ride over to the theatre. By that point I was a little drunk, but not trashed. About half an hour later, I stood in line with a couple of people and decided I was pretty much sober (although I probably wasn’t), so I needed something else to do. I found a friend who had more k so I asked for a bump. He gave it to me. I started to feel it and I was happy. We went inside.

The unspoken rule about Ketamine is to NOT DRINK when you’re on it. You know how you’re not supposed to drink with painkillers? Well imagine drinking with an anesthetic. By the time we got in the theatre I was feeling fairly lightheaded. I sat down with a couple of friends and soon the lightheaded feeling disappeared. A friend sitting next to me whispered “I’ve only heard horror stories about mixing Ketamine and alcohol.” But since I was feeling fine I decided to ignore that comment. In my intoxicated wisdom I decided it would be fun to do another bump of k. It really wasn’t that much Ketamine, and I knew I could handle much more. I was fairly sure that the alcohol was not affecting me anymore.

I went to the bathroom and met a friend who gave me another bump of k. I got the same lightheaded feeling but ignored it once again. I went back to my seat and was offered bong hits. I don’t really like smoking weed anymore, but since it was Darkside I almost felt obliged to. So I took a few hits and passed it on. Almost immediately it started affecting me. The last thing I remember doing before it fully hit me was turning to my neighbour and saying “I’m so fucked up.” After this every image started to blur and none of my thoughts made any sense. Usually this wouldn’t bother me so much, but for some reason it seemed a lot more intense and scary this time. It seemed like every second my mind was taking a photograph and my life was only a series of blurred photographs. I couldn’t express any of my thoughts. I knew that I needed to get to a quieter place so that I could think. I stumbled out of my seat and forced a friend to come with me. He didn’t want to get out of his seat but I kept telling him it was an emergency and he finally agreed to come. We went to the lobby.

I don’t really remember what I said to him, but I remember trying to express how I felt, but for some reason everything that came out of my mouth did not match up with the words in my head. I told him I was really scared and that I was tripping out, but he told me I was just high and not to worry. But I knew it was something more than that. I sat in a chair, because I was too scared to go back to the movie. What happened after this, I don’t fully remember but I will try my best to describe the series of events. Some of my friends came over and I talked to them and I tried again to explain what I was feeling. Nobody could help me.
I tried again to explain what I was feeling. Nobody could help me.
Finally one of my friends took me to the bathroom. I collapsed onto the floor and held onto the toilet. It was the only thing that could keep me from fully lying across the floor, it was the only thing holding me up. I don’t remember how long I was in the bathroom for, but I know it was well over an hour. During this period, tons upon tons of my friends came to visit me, but I don’t remember who I saw or what they said. I couldn’t understand anything that anybody was saying. I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even hold up my own head. Everything was starting to go dark. The only thing I could do was try to not pass out. I knew in the back of my head that if I passed out I would go into a coma.

The entire time, there were only two thoughts running through my head. 1) Don’t go into a coma, and 2) I think I am going to die. At some point I managed to throw up (before my reflexes weren’t working so I couldn’t even do that), and all these chemicals came out my nose. I still didn’t feel any better, and I was dizzy beyond belief. My friend told me she had called some friends who were at a rave and they were coming to get me. About an hour later, her friends showed up outside the theatre. I got carried outside by two of my friends, and was instantly transferred into the arms of two guys I didn’t know. They carried me to the subway and sat me down. While we waited 45 minutes for the bus, all the people from Darkside came to the subway and all my other friends who were at a nearby rave came to the subway. Again, I don’t remember who I saw or what they said. But I know that they were scared for me. I got carried onto a bus, and then off the bus. Then I got carried to my friend’s house and put into a bed.

The next day I woke up and felt MUCH better. Later, I talked to some of my friends and they told me what their thoughts were on the previous night. The unanimous statement was that they thought I had been on my deathbed. People who saw me described as looking literally green, like I was dying, like I was dead, or my personal favourite – like death but 100 times worse. A lot of people said that I was lucky to have survived without doing any serious damage to myself.

Many of you may ask why I didn’t let anybody call 911. Well first off, I was extremely intoxicated and wasn’t thinking rationally. But also, I figured if I had passed out or gone into a coma someone would have instantly called 911, and if I hadn’t passed out then I would have just been waiting it out (which is what I did). Even though I survived without going to the hospital, I probably still should have. Thanks to Friday, my short term memory is gone. I am going to a health clinic this week to see if I have done any other damage to my brain.

I’m only sixteen and I have already successfully survived my first overdose without medical help. Overall it was the most unpleasant experience of my life, and I am hoping that it will never happen again, because next time I might not be so lucky.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56867
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Jan 28, 2019Views: 3,675
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Alcohol - Hard (198), Ketamine (31) : Large Party (54), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Combinations (3)

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