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Unlike Anything Else
Citation:   Elphie. "Unlike Anything Else: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp56930)". Erowid.org. Mar 17, 2010. erowid.org/exp/56930

300 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
Okay so it was a day like any other, I went to school with a smile on my face know that the next day was my birthday. I went to my second hour class in the locker room. my friends decided to skip class, and hide out in the locker room.

'Ok whatever' I thought to myself
I get back from doing tae-bo to see them laughing ...right where I left them. They came over and were like
'whoa dude we are sooo fucked up right now! we took like 12 of these'
and she pulls out a bottle of 25mg little pink pills, benedryl, of course it wasn’t surprising.

‘How many did you take?’ I said
Her being my weight made me think of how many I should take
‘12' she said
‘Than hand the bottle over’ I said laughing I borrowed her water bottle and downed the little suckers 2 by 2 every one else was looking at me...but I didn’t really pay much attention to it

So I start heading to class and about 2 minutes after taking them my eyes started to feel a little slow...it had already started taking effect, which wasn’t surprising considering I had only had a bowl of cereal that morning, and my fast metabolism didn’t help either. So I get to my 3rd hour and finally I start to feel the effects. About half an hour later I had felt like I was on a vicodin high, and I wasn’t thinking too much about it then, but If I had realized that I felt like I was on a vicodin peak only half an hour in, than I was in deep shit.

I finally got a bathroom pass and found myself getting tripped by things that weren’t even there. I came in there to find my friend who had taken the pills with me just as fucked up as me

‘Fuck dude im soo dizzy...I gotta throw these up” she said heading into an open stall and she stuck her fingers down her throat...nothing came up though

And a girl walked in while she was trying to make herself throw up....us being extremely skinny as It is DID NOT look good.

I decided to keep mine in my stomach as I headed out and went back to class. As the bell rang we had an assembly, I decided not to go, And I just sat with my other 2 tripping out friends and just sat there...completely spaced out, I had the worst cotton mouth of my life...It got WAY worse

I went to detention because I was late for 4th hour and sat in a room with 3 other people and I completely hit my high...or so I thought... I looked at my hands from about 1ft away from my face, if I moved my hand any closer my vision was blurred....BADLY blurred, so that meant I couldn’t read or write anything. My arms felt like weights had been strapped onto them and I could barely lift them, bending over to get something out of my backpack almost made me pass out.

I went to lunch and It got way worse my speech was slurring, my body felt 200lbs heavier I could barely walk, I couldn’t even hear when the bell rang. Which was when it got THE WORST.

Me and my completely fucked up friend went into 5th hour just hoping for some worksheet assignment that we could just bullshit. No such luck. We had a journal entry that was due that day, I couldn’t see to save my life, and writing was almost as bad, considering I couldn’t see the pencil that was 6 inches in front of me. The words on the paper she gave us were growing rainbows out of them, I saw people sitting in seats that weren’t there, people were turning into sculptures and rocks, and desks were turning into trash cans and bananas...It was bad.

And it got the worst when people around me were looking at me and talking about me, because apparently someone had blabbed about us taking pills, and in a matter of minutes everyone in the school knew about it. It was all just a mess of:
‘She only does it for the attention’
‘I can’t believe you would be stupid enough to do that’
‘She took 25mg? Are you sure? Man she’s fucked’
Ect...and then my teacher asked me how I was doing and I said I couldn’t see the words on my paper and I forgot my contacts so I would do it when I got them

But apparently it came out like ‘I can’t find the words....I’ll just write about the paranoia in the crucible’ which made no sense at all, im surprised she didn’t send me to the office then. But she just let me go...

The day ended with me being still fucked up for the next day or so, the other girl ended up throwing up outside her class room, which was stupid because I told her not to eat anything. All in all, the worst high of my life...not fun at all...don’t do it kids...

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56930
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2010Views: 28,529
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Diphenhydramine (109) : School (35), Bad Trips (6)

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