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I Don't Plan on Doing It Again
Catnip & Tobacco
Citation:   Danny. "I Don't Plan on Doing It Again: An Experience with Catnip & Tobacco (exp56957)". Aug 23, 2018.

.5 bowls smoked Catnip
  .5 bowls smoked Tobacco
  .5 bowls smoked Tobacco
  .5 bowls smoked Catnip
  1 bowl smoked Catnip
CatNip Relaxation

Not worth wasting money on, but if I'm looking to relax this works. I was very bored when I came across catnip. So I looked it up wondering what it did. People said it it a mild high of weed, No its not. I don't know what kind of weed they smoke but it defenetly does not feel anything like a weed high. I loaded up my pipe with some tobacco and catnip it was a fairly big bowl too. I did not feel anything just like I smoked a cigarette. Then I loaded just some catnip. The first hit was gross but I kept smoking it. It burns really fast so it was gone before I knew it. I loaded one more because I felt nothing. The last bowl was just catnip, it just made me feel relaxed, thats all. It not worth buying, I just had some because we had cats. The feeling went away in about five minutes. So I don't plan on doing it again.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56957
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2018Views: 1,198
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