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A Big Let-Down
by Ham
Citation:   Ham. "A Big Let-Down: An Experience with 4-HO-DiPT (exp56989)". Jan 25, 2007.

20 mg oral 4-HO-DiPT (pill / tablet)
Okay, so this was my first time partaking in any other kind of drug besides pot. So I really did not know what to expect, but I was excited. SO my friends and I had gotten together every week for four weeks now, and so we decided to try 4 Ho-DiPT. At around 3:00 we took them. I took 20 mg while the others split two amongst the three of themselves.

At around 3:45, I was beginning to feel it. I started to feel really hyper and just wanted to move around and do things all at the same time. I jumped on the trampoline for a few minutes, and finally sat down. I was feely really jittery. When I sat down, my friends began to feel theirs too. I figured that I would have the biggest trip because 1) I took the most, 2) I weigh the least, 3) one person has done it before and 4) another threw up at about 3:40.

At about 4:00 they were getting sensoral effects like the walls are breathing and they could hear them. Also at this time, I felt absolutely nothing. I felt it for 15 minutes and it was gone.

At 4:30 I was still feeling nothing, hoping that it was going to hit me soon. At this time everyone else felt nice enough to have some cannabis. After about two bowls, I was still feeling nothing at all. They had felt the cannibis in addition to the 4-HO-DiPT.

By 9:00 it was time to go inside, and one of them was still feeling it. So much that she could not coherently speak with her girlfriend.

From 10 until 12 we decided to finish the rest of our cannabis. I had not felt anything from 4:00 on.

All in all, this experience was very unsettling seeing as how we can still not figure out why I did not experience.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 56989
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jan 25, 2007Views: 7,467
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4-HO-DiPT (281) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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