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No State to Be Seen In
by Tom
Citation:   Tom. "No State to Be Seen In: An Experience with Ketamine (exp57091)". Feb 24, 2018.

3 g insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
Pain of Ketamine

I love ketamine. Its my all time favourite drug, there is just nothing like it. I've read all sorts of books and articles about it, and there seem to be no long lasting side effects. In fact, I've read that it can be used as an almost instantaneous anti-depressant, which can ease signs of depression for around a week.

Problems with mental health can, as with any drug, arise. However all I needed to do is take a step back and realise what is happenning - at least, in my experience.

My K experiences are incredible, like shedding this Earth-bound flesh and ascending to a state of pure consciousness/energy/being. I can go anywhere in this world, and far, far beyond. And it is the most real thing I have ever felt.
it is the most real thing I have ever felt.
Problems involve not actually being in control of where the trip will take me, and severe lack of memory of the experience. The trips leave me feeling fulfilled, happy... fill my life with meaning, and my mind with questions, with no after-effects, and no craving for the drug.

Sounds like the perfect drug, eh?

I have found a nasty side effect.

Possibly, this dark side to the drug is due to the amount I sniff. I think injection would satisfy me greatly, but going from sniffing to injecting is a line I don't want to cross.

Mid trip, sometime last year, something physical happened to me. a bad reaction maybe, but while my mind was elsewhere, by body decided to take a walk. Anyone seen Frankenstein? I imagine that is what I looked like, just a lump of flesh, with no motive, no control. An empty shell.
I imagine that is what I looked like, just a lump of flesh, with no motive, no control. An empty shell.
I smashed my room up pretty bad, literally just crashing around, standing, falling, crawling, banging into everything.

Obviously I made quite a noise, and my family came to see what happened. The stories I heard from my sister were hilarious, lying naked on my bed, drooling, moaning, thrashing about like a proper retard, screaming out for morphine in hospital, having the time of my life but scaring the shit out of everyone around me. This, however, is no state that you ever want to see your loved ones in, or them to see you in... I can tell you, my parents were really shaken up.
This, however, is no state that you ever want to see your loved ones in, or them to see you in... I can tell you, my parents were really shaken up.

Physically, I was fine, they took me to hospital, observed me, and within 2 or 3 hrs I was back to my normal self, a few hrs later, I was at work.

I still love my Ket, and I still take it as much as I can, but I avoided it for a few months... then the same thing happened. Its weird it never happened before, but I guess these things just go wrong sometimes.

Anyway, I'm not trying to warn people off K, I think its the best drug about. I just wanted to communicate this dangerous side of the drug, 'cos I've never read it anywhere else, and it could be really harmful. I still think the benefits out way the dangers....

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 57091
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2018Views: 1,538
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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