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Happy Darkness
Citation:   metal. "Happy Darkness: An Experience with Cannabis (exp57159)". Feb 9, 2018.

.6 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Weed is really the only drug I've tried. No hard drugs or anything like that. Now I'm 15...

Its a school night, I finished all my homework, so why not smoke a few bowls (out of a homemade bong thing)? I did that, and just sort of read a book until I felt it. When I did feel it I was a little jittery and couldn't focus on the book. I felt like just lying down, so I turned off the lights and did that.

At this point I felt calm and relaxed. I put on my earphones and listened to the band 'Rush' for quite a while. The feeling is amazing. Just complete bliss, and listening to meaningful music. I was transfixed in a way... Just lying down, sometimes touching my face because it felt soft for some reason, and enjoying the music. I laugh about me singing loudly to that music now, but I immensely enjoyed it. This just continued until I fell asleep.

This has never happened before when I smoked.. and it hasn't happened since. But it was one of the best times smoking, and I hope I can achieve it again sometime.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57159
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 9, 2018Views: 979
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Cannabis (1) : General (1), Alone (16)

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