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Cure for Comedown
Cocaine & Kratom
by DD
Citation:   DD. "Cure for Comedown: An Experience with Cocaine & Kratom (exp57473)". Aug 28, 2017.

15 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)

When I am just about to come down hard after an all day coke binge I use only Kratom. It helps me ALOT! To feel normal and even happy again. It is similar to the effects of opiates like vicodin or oxy which I have used to overcome the c blues.

I use Kratom regularly at 15 grams premium commercial grade powder on a very regular basis. It took me a few times to bond with it, believe it or not it is how I kicked pain pills! And I did them alot. This is a great and powerful herb!

To prepare it I dump 15g (about three tea spoons) premium commercial powder in about a cup of very hot water, mix, let settle and drink then repeat the process with what is left in the cup but with slightly less water. I dont bother with kratom extracts or resins, they are all hype, Premium commercial powder is the best bang for the buck.

For me using K. After C has been a real life saver. It has made me feel so much better so many times.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57473
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 28, 2017Views: 4,063
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