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Powerful & Scary
Citation:   Malibu Barbie. "Powerful & Scary: An Experience with PCP (exp5751)". Jan 22, 2002.

3 tablets oral PCP (pill / tablet)
I was 15 at the time. My boyfriend of a year and a half offered me the drug; I was hesitant at first but he talked me into it. I took the pills and it took so long to kick in I thought that they were not going to work. Then I got the feeling like I was getting shocked. It was almost like getting electricuted, my whole body would tense up and release. I thought that it was the coolest at first but then it wouldnt stop and it started to hurt. Soon after the hallucinations started. I had done acid and DXM before so when I heard that you hallucinated off of it I wasnt to worried.

I had no idea what I was getting into when I took this drug. It is the highest that I think I will ever get without dying. I kept zoning out and in my mind I was in a totally different place. I couldnt talk at all my words just all came out at once. I sounded like a complete idiot to all of the sober people. They had no idea what I was going through in my mind. It was like I was able to be in my own little world, but for some reason I was not alone. I hallucinated my own people. This has to be one of the hardest things to explain, I was very slow and over analized things constantly, when I got home I sat up all night and thought that I was talking to my boyfriend, I thought that he stopped by. I went outside and thought that I was talking to him; I had no idea what was going on in the real world, I was in my own little world; it wasn't anything out of the ordinary (I didnt see any purple elephants or anything and I didnt think that i was superwoman)it just wasnt real.

Well I am not going to drag on about my experience any longer I wish that I could explain it better,but it is just one of those things you cant explain very well. I dont know if I ever would do it again, it was fun I guess but the power of the drug is just to scary.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 5751
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 22, 2002Views: 11,862
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PCP (113) : Various (28), First Times (2)

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