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Walking the Streets with a Demon in My Head
Citation:   Hayla. "Walking the Streets with a Demon in My Head: An Experience with 2C-P (exp57737)". Erowid.org. Nov 30, 2006. erowid.org/exp/57737

  oral 2C-P (powder / crystals)
I begin to ramble and talking is very exciting... Everything I say is a punchline to a joke that everyone should get but they don't. And if I take it with someone else... we both laugh a lot because I think the other person knows exactly what I am thinking.... I find myself narrating everything in my head and saying outloud 'DID I SAY THAT?? OR JUST THINK IT?' Visuals get strong and I might see auras around people... I'll find myself questioning everything I ever thought.

It's been more than a year since I have touched 2c-p... I've done it twice, the first time I thought I was in love with it... everything felt heartbreakingly real, It was like living a vivid dream, and I felt very close to the friend I was with.

The second time I took 2c-p was a nightmare.

We took it around 9 o clock pm. Me and my friends B and J had just left a very boring birthday party and decided to take some and go to B's dorm, hang out and enjoy the visuals. My friend B had never taken it before, had just started smoking weed... she was mostly against drugs. My friend J and I had done it before...

So we get tired of the dorm... B gets paranoid and kicks us out for 'talking too loud' (we were whispering) At first time went slowly. and then hours went by and I found myself outside in the city, lost with my friend J. Now all I can remember is a slide show of night people, cops, and me completely vulnerable. Around 5 am my friend B lets us back in her dorm room briefly and kicks us out again. me and my friend J ended up trying to walk home... getting in a horrible fight in a grave yard unable to make it home.

When I take too much 2c-p their personality becomes intensified. I wanted to stay inside the dorm... where I felt safe, I didn't want to deal with anyone but my friends. My friend B wanted us to be completely quite... which is impossible when I am on 2c-p. My friend J wanted to be out in the nightlife.. I wanted to die and kept telling people that I had just met.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 57737
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2006Views: 11,621
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2C-P (305) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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