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Outside of Myself
PCP & Cannabis
by Pcp
Citation:   Pcp. "Outside of Myself: An Experience with PCP & Cannabis (exp57778)". Apr 28, 2008.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked PCP  
Ok it was back last summer. Me and a couple of my friends decided to do what we usually do and go into my backyard where I have a treehouse and smoke pot. There was me and 3 other friends just passing the bowl around. About 10 minutes later another friend arrived with some pcp. I had never seen it. It was the mint leave with phylmirate or how ever u spell it. Anyway we packed a bowl of hydro and on top my friend sprinkled some pcp on top. The pcp came in a clear vial and my friend was also friends with the dealer so this was good. Anyway we were just chillin. I got a couple of hits from the bowl.

The smell was really weird and the taste was of metallic. After the bowl was done we decided to smoke straight dust so I went into my house to get a screen for my metal hand pipe. Then my friend packed a nice sized bowl of straight dust it passed around maby 3 times I held in my hit long and hard. After this I was still not feeling anything accept I could not feel my self. My legs felt like they had no feeling. We packed another straight bowl of dust to finish the vial. I got nice hits and after that I started to feel as if I was in a dream.

I was talking to my uncle but when I looked at him it looked as if he was smoking dust to. Then my brother started to band a hammer on my treefort, me and my boys were bugging out from the sound ringing in our ears. My brother also looked high on pcp but he is only 12 so I knew I was just bugging. Overall this exp was good it was my first time really tripping. I was 15 and I have smoked dust a couple times after.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 57778
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2008Views: 9,245
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PCP (113) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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