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Ever Expansive Sphere
Pharmahuasca (Moclebemide & M. tenuiflora) & Pranayama
Citation:   RRoldanBR. "Ever Expansive Sphere: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Moclebemide & M. tenuiflora) & Pranayama (exp57798)". Dec 21, 2006.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tablets oral Moclobemide  
  T+ 0:30 2 Tbsp oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
I posted a report on Mimosahuasca (practically a pharmahuasca, since the IMAO was obtained from moclobemide), entitled “Wrathful Goddess”. That day, I missed the point when graduating the syrup that came from the cooking of the Jurema (pronounced ‘djuh-rae-mah’) root bark.

So, the voyage went too strong, the symptoms got me really bad for 4 days and the spitiual message was really wrathfull.

The meaning of it was very profound, ‘cause in 2000 I’d received the Vajra Kroddhi Kalí empowerment (wang) from the hands and mind of His Eminence Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, one of the last Tibetans raised in the old ways of the Snowy Lands. Kali is represented as a strong and fierceful naked shining black woman, dancing over your dead body, surrounded by fires and blood and ashes, with a blood dripping sword in a hand and a chopped head on the other. A symbol for the phenomenon of Time (Spacetime?!), as well as its absence, generating a Timeless state of conscience, said to be the Samadhí. It’s seen on the Yôga Sútra of Patañjalí that one can develop siddhis (study the meaning of this) through the use of some plants (see first sutra in the 4th book of it). One's inner soul in communion with the whole Nature.

Jurema provokes, like the traditional Ayahuasca, the “peia” (‘pay-yee-ah’), Brazilian Portuguese word equivalent to “la purga” (Spanish word), i.e, the purifying vomits and consciousness crisis, resulting in psychological regeneration… this one was very hostile, like the Latin name says… Mimosa hostilis! (especially for rebel minds like mine).

Just in case, I need to mention that my last ten years were a vigorous search, even a chase sometimes, of the obscure, the mystical, the occult. From Max Heindel’s Rosicrucian Fellowship, passing by the extraterrestrial contactees of the Mision Rama and the nowadays called Sunesis Project, putting into use the workings of Master Therion (bka Aleister Crowley), the rites of the real Nigerian Yoruba Orisha Cult (as well as the afroamerindian Brazilian cult of Umbanda), the power of Swásthya Yôga, the pearls of the Nath Order of the Sámkya Tantra, the liberation of Vajrayana, a basis in Kardecism, some years at Santo Daime, UDV, and many other… I’ve practiced all this and some universal shamanism, which led me now to taste the bitter Vinho da Jurema (Wine of Jurema).

My last two years made me very skeptical about any help from beyond. The hard conditions for one to live here in Brasil (or even in the whole world) had kind of oppressed me in a way that made me stop believing in most things I believed. Only Science and Philosophy seemed to be right. I’ve forgotten my heart…

But the experience described in the “Wrathful Goddess” report was more than what seemed until then!!!!

I’ve passed 4 days feeling some strange physical/somatic botherings, almost a light pain in my balls and belly (more in the kidneys and the liver than the stomach, which by itself was pretty regular). I had some kind of mind hangover, feeling a little sad for the quarrel Kali Jurema applied in my being.

In the fifth day until now, things turned the opposite: I got my penis more hard and strong, my sexual appetite doubled and this seems to be like actual body chemicals (I felt like neck pains at the thireoidis), ‘cause for some days women couldn’t take their eyes and hands off me (ehehehe). My state of mind AND of body got both more relaxed and happy. I WAS BRIGHT, LIGHT AND SHINING, AS A MATTER OF FACT!

The curious point is that after 7 or 8 days, just one lil’night lost in time, I was navigatin the web in my room, high on maryjane (such a great and seducer ally), when I hear my dad shouting in his room. In the blink of an eye I reached my parents room to check if he was not having a heart attack or something.

My dad, a very rational engineer, had a nightmare with some bad afropeople surrounding him, a big bunch of angry-faced folks crowding his room around his bed, craving for his posessions. This was late at night.

In the morning, something my granny would tell me just the next evening, she kinda saw two afro sorcerers crossing our backyard (she lives in the backhouse). This should be impossible for any beggar or thief, since we have high walls w/ electric fences and neighbors very near. One of this wizards even showed her his wrathfull face, posing his sharp teeths out… then disappeared! I did some special pújas (offerings) to Buddhas and stuff in order to cleanse this and is something beyond explanation!!

Maaaan, not even this figures match my visions reported before (see “Wrathful Goddess”), as well as implies in the existence of realms far beyond comprehension. It’s funny to note that my parents weren’t aware of my past experience with Jurema (especially about difficult trips), not even by chance, since only my girlfriend and two good friends of mine know about it and I didn’t say a word, not even in the phone, to anyone else.

I believe that my dad’s dream and my granny’s vision had origin in some kind of ESP of my contact with such a primitive and savage archetype and this energy confronted them in some sort of catharsis.

My dad wouldn’t be able to fake something too spontaneous in the middle of the night. If he knew about my entheogenic experiences, he would make a lot of noise, not just a scream…. Holy ignorance! Hmmf!!

Well, encouraged to repeat the experience in a small dose, I took one of the bottles out of the freezer, removed the decanted mud (tannins, saponins, etc) and applied a clear of egg (wine production tek) to capture little vegetable dust.

One pear eaten before gulping half of an Aurorix pill. Half an hour. Two dessert tablespoons mixed in a warm cup of tea made from Matricaria recutita (Chamomilla recutita or Matriarca chamomilla), drank this in one hard sip and started to sing some União do Vegetal songs to establish atmosphere.

Twenty minutes later and I was feeling a nervous boost, which could be alleviated by leg or arm movements. Brightful live sparks ran from the middle of my pupils. I started some simple pránayama (breath exercises) and intonation of Padmasambhava’s mantra.

The nausea was mild and controllable and when closing the eyes, I felt transported into another world… Maybe this was some kind of psychical vehicle to pilot!

My heart and blood pressure started to work faster, but I had good feelings while watching a clear pink mist take place where I was going to burn a joint but didn’t ‘cause this mind ship had its giddiness just like its sailing brothers.

At this century of the trip, I heard this gentle voice of a negro old man (but with a young face hiding his age) dressed in white suit with a white vest, a white tie, a white hat and a pink rose on his lapel. The clothes were so white that a silver clear light glowed from them.

He presented himself as Antonio das Flores (Antoine of Flowers) and told me that he would guide me under my trip in order to reach spiritual grade to work with the Jurema. He told me that DMT is a catalyst to spiritual growth if it is accompanied by chants and enchantments and with a proper mind, focused on the welfare of the universe and all its guests inhabitants.

I noticed that thoughts become more powerful and if I concentrated on something, this would become alive, as a virtual reality with closed eyes. On open eyes, colours gained intrincate patterns of shapes, as light rays showed each one to me. I couldn’t laugh as when smoking Cannabis or eating mushrooms. I just smiled like a good little boy, because my nerves became a aerial rollercoaster, and images popped in my eyes.

Mestre Antonio (Master Antoine) (this is the way I started to call him) told me that he would now cleanse my heart and my house, as well as the whole world, with my help.

Then I was floating and leaving rainbow marks on the air behind me. I searched all my house and then all places of this planet, blessing every corner with this luminescence.

At this point, the master said he would materialize into an animal all the bad feelings just collected. A big fly appeared in the room I was having my session, which has big windows and a good view of the city. Mate, what can I tell ya?! it was a big and disgusting fly. But the voice told me just to open the window and let it follow its natural course.

I oppened the window, the fly went out so easily, as if it were taking some evil with it. I think this was the biggest fly I’ve ever met with, ‘cause its wings made a lot of noise.

From this point, I concentrated fully on the meditation, gaining insight on how to make the correct visualization when working nyásas, the essence of the Samyama, especially the Yidam practices in Vajrayana. I even felt as if I were at the foot of the Himalaya in front of Padmasambhava seated over his lotus throne, blessing all beings of billions of universes.

Another voice manifested, but not from the master. This was from a presence I felt when preparing today’s tea. I believe that all this “presences and contacts” are expedients my mind uses in order to explain something to me in a multifaceted way.

She thus told me to stay calm, that I had to purify my body. The vomiting announced, I tried to deny it but it was stronger than me. By luck, I threw up in the earth of a window garden. It was uncomfortable at the very moment, but seconds after everything was just fine!

The peak of my trip ended, leaving just a peaceful and watchful mindset, still presenting some mild visuals and heightened senses.

[I wouldn’t recommend this for kids, pregnant woman and persons with family background or actual mental illnesses or experimenting health conditions or treatments].



If you just want a trip for your own amusement, this wouldn’t be the order, believe me.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 57798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 21, 2006Views: 10,273
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Yoga / Bodywork (202), Moclobemide (75), Mimosa tenuiflora (74) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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