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Changed My Life
Citation:   Brian B.. "Changed My Life: An Experience with GHB (exp5803)". Feb 4, 2002.

25 g oral GHB (daily)
At the time I was taking Depakote and Paxil (prescription antidepressants) for depression and anxiety. I am 27 years old. I'd been on other meds in the past in the course of therapy for brief periods and I must say in my limited experience the G beats them all. It has been an antidepressant/antianxiety agent/mood elevator par exellence. Had been on these but for several weeks and they were helping, but the side effects sucked. Got my hands on Dean and Morganthaler's excellent book last March (of 2000). Liked what I read. Did a lot of research about it on Erowid. By fortunate coincidence, I also got my hands on a gallon of GBL for CHEAP through a friend of a friend around the same time. Got into it big-time; learned how to convert it into GHB and to make a long story short took A LOT, 25-odd grams (at least) a day for around seven months and had plenty to share. I quit the other meds once I went on the G.

No wonder the stuff is illegal. The DEA won't let us have it. Almost for the same reasons that weed's illegal. I found it to be habituating but used responsibly by the right persons it has in my opinion a huge potential to help people. It did me. It's not to be used by children or morons, like anything else of this category. It's been a while since I took any G (and I was sad to run out, I'll admit). However, I feel that it has changed my general disposition for the better, and helped me to become a generally healthier, SMARTER, and more AWARE individual. It definitely did something to the chemistry of my brain (and I've synergized G with acid, peyote, 5-Meo-DMT, AMT, Marijuana, mixes well with everything for me, but that's for another time); I feel a residual effect to this day. But for the better...the combination of the Dopamine therapy and the Human Growth Hormone boosting has had some kind of fountain-of-youth effect or something. Not damage at all that I've noticed, but a positive alteration for sure. It toned my body and my mind; like a kind of brain-nutrient. Growth Hormone therapy really works! I mean, I'm neither a doctor nor a scientist. This is long enough; you get the point.

I love GHB and GBL and swear by the stuff. It's impossible to get now and there's SO MUCH negative propoganda out there, and I've no idea where to get more. It's just as well though; like I said, it IS addictive for sure; I myself weaned myself down slowly when the time was drawing near for the well to run dry and had NO negative withdrawal-type effects, no rebound anxiety at all. And I was taking large amounts of it multiple doses daily for seven-odd months.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 5803
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 4, 2002Views: 32,612
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GHB (25) : Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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