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Good Enough for Occasional Use
Citation:   nutmegger. "Good Enough for Occasional Use: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp58153)". Sep 18, 2019.

  oral Nutmeg (liquid)
I tried nutmeg for the first time. I took the largest nut out of the packet and crushed it up in a mortar and pestle. I then boiled a cup of water and dumped the crushed nutmeg into it. This was at 11:00am. It took a solid 30 minutes to down the lot since it was the most gritty, foul-tasting gunk I ever had swallowed before. It was also irritating my throat. I had to actually hold my nose to stop myself from spewing. I had a bit of water left in the cup. I put it in my mouth thinking I could quickly swallow it, but I gagged and spat it back into the cup. I then tipped it into the sink.

I was now just keeping myself occupied for the 6 hour wait I was expecting. However, 4 hours later I noticed slight changes in my visual perception like I had just had a small hit from a bong. By 4:30pm I was peaking. My visual perception was very similar to being stoned--like I would look at something and forget about everything around me. And my time perception was messed up when I would concentrate on something. I felt tired and even my mother commented that I look tired. I looked in the mirror and my eyes-lids were drooping--I didn't have blood-shot eyes. I had a little bit of a dry mouth. When I noticed the effects I almost began to have an anxiety attack like I often get when I get stoned but I quickly realized that it was the nutmeg making me feel that way. I wasn't what I would call 'high' but still altered.

Overall the experience was fairly pleasant. I will try it again. I would compare it to dope. I felt slightly sedated. I was stoned which had a good effect on music. And an added bonus was I could visualize more deeply and picture things in my head more clearly . My thoughts were not fragmented or creative like when I am stoned, but my short-term memory was a bit off, only a little bit though.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58153
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2019Views: 854
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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