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Lightness, Headache, Dry Mouth
Carbon Dioxide
by Izzy
Citation:   Izzy. "Lightness, Headache, Dry Mouth: An Experience with Carbon Dioxide (exp58168)". Dec 18, 2006.

10 hits inhaled Carbon Dioxide (gas)
I was bored today, looking for drugs somewhere in my house because I had an urge to get high, but didn't want to do Diphenhydramine again because I had earlier in the week and would like to keep my liver good. After no success, I thought for a minute on one of the trip reports on oxygen I had read yeterday night. Then I thought 'If even pure oxygen can make you slightly high, what about Carbon Dioxide, which I can get with ease?'
After this, I went to the kitchen and got a balloon. I blew it up and kept it in my mouth. I laid down, and took a hit out of the balloon, held it in as long as I could, and breathed it out in to the balloon slowly. I did this a total on ten times with no oxygen.

I let the air out of the balloon, breathed, and stood up. I felt light as a feather. I walked around a bit and noticed a small loss of coordination, like maybe a 100 mg dose of Diphenhydramine but without the heavy feeling associated with it. I also noticed a very slight headache, probably caused by the lack of oxygen to the brain, and a dry mouth.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58168
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 18, 2006Views: 21,094
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Hyperventilation (141), Carbon Dioxide (439) : Alone (16), General (1)

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