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A Conversation With the Objects in My Room
Zolpidem & Cannabis
Citation:   Psychonautical. "A Conversation With the Objects in My Room: An Experience with Zolpidem & Cannabis (exp58284)". Jun 7, 2018.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem
  T+ 2:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis
Several days ago I bought a reasonably large quantity of mdma presses. The dealer who I got them from also had quite an assortment of prescription narcotics. When he told me he had Ambien I knew that I wanted to get some, especially after he told me that they would make me hallucinate. He gave me two, warning me that the difference between taking one pill and two was surprisingly significant.

In the next few days, I read up on the drug so as to be the most prepared for my trip. After some careful consideration, I decided that I would do it by myself at my house at night. The fact that Ambien is a hypnotic made me wary of doing it around people that I didn’t completely trust, and I wanted to be able to crash in a comfortable bed with no obligations to those around me should things get intense. This was a wise decision. Since nearly every source I read noted a degree of amnesia, I brought along a tape recorder to make mental notes.

The amnesia bit is definitely true because when I woke up this morning I was under the impression that the drug had barely worked if at all. I was wrong. Although apparently it usually takes only about 15 minutes to get started, I didn’t feel anything for about two hours. A long take off is always a little bit disconcerting because I'm not sure if it is going to work or if it is working and I'm too affected to know the difference. After taking the two pills (20mg), I putzed around my room for a little bit playing guitar and folding my laundry. When I still didn’t feel anything after half an hour, I decided to go for a short walk with my headphones and music. My plan was to stay out just until the drug kicked in and then return gloriously to a warm and comfortable house.

The walk was relatively uneventful. From time to time I would feel a little bit funny, but at that point I’m pretty sure it was just a placebo. A pile of dirt with a red ornamental feather looked like the strewn innards of a dead bird, and a sweatshirt lying on the ground looked briefly like a dead body. Also, a chain link fence appeared to be especially geometric. Aside from these small hallucinations and a few snide comments about my neighbors’ lawn decorations, the walk was only slightly surreal and I was feeling pretty disappointed. When I got back inside about an hour and a half after taking the pills, I decided to go on my computer. Since I still wasn’t sure if the Ambien was going to work, I read some more experiences and noticed that the combination of weed and Ambien was mentioned in numerous places as being an excellent combination. This inspired me to smoke a bowl.

After that it was all over. It seemed like all the small objects in my room were having a wild, fast paced conversation and I was included. Then I stared at my guitar and it moved in ways that I have never seen in any hallucination. When the guitar was no longer engaging, I stared at myself in the mirror. Mirrors are always a trip when I am on drugs, but this was one of the most interesting mirror experiences I have had. For some reason I was seeing double vision.
For some reason I was seeing double vision.
Everywhere I looked there were two of whatever I focused on, a real and a ghost image. This was especially disconcerting when I stared into the mirror because I was not entirely sure that what I was looking at was not another person entirely. I decided to move to the bathroom to continue mirror exploration because my bathroom has swinging mirrors that allow you to see infinite images of yourself from every angle imaginable. This was bizarre because I thought that all of the images of myself were different people and I had a long conversation with them. When I returned to my room my VCR rudely interrupted my thoughts with a bold proclamation. We then proceeded to have a relatively in-depth conversation. It sent me messages directly to my mind and I responded in a similar fashion. The VCR was not very interesting to talk to though so I decided to go back on my computer and look at porn. For some reason I signed up for a really weird sex classified service that I had to erase surreptitiously this morning. I also downloaded some short videos on limewire. I’m not sure if I actually wound up masturbating but I know I grew tired of the computer after a while and returned to my room.

At this point my thoughts were completely incoherent and insane. Listening to the tape I made this morning was laughable. I continually lost my train of thought and said things that were completely crazy. It is also interesting to note that I was by myself when I was saying all this crazy stuff, which makes me wonder why I was talking or who I was talking to. Eventually, I settled down in bed with a banana and an orange, gorged myself and fell asleep. My dreams were a little bit violent and nightmarish and all involved a girl who recently broke my heart.

This morning I have no bad hangover, if anything it is from the weed I smoked. Ambien is a cool drug, but I was not able to fully appreciate it because when I was on it I didn’t really know that I was tripping out and this morning all my memories are merely jogged recollections, not real memories. Maybe it would be more fun with another person. It was kind of hard to come by and I think I would rather spend my money on a drug I can appreciate more.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58284
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 7, 2018Views: 2,313
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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