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My Head Slowly Wobbled in Its Place
Citation:   SerdaL. "My Head Slowly Wobbled in Its Place: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp58320)". Dec 23, 2019.

  oral Nutmeg
Merry Christmas!

It was the friday before christmas vacation and I woke up in the morning tired as hell and began to start my day. I went downstairs and my mom prepared me some eggnog as a treat. I went to the pantree and found some pre-ground nutmeg. I was aware of what nutmeg can do to you, but the dose I put in there was no more 2-4 grams... and even that I can doubt. I drank up the eggnog with a delicious taste and continued on to get ready for the day.

My brother drove me to school when I felt a pot-like buzz. It was nice and I enjoyed it, I knew it was from the nutmeg... but that didn't make any sense. I drank it about 10 minutes ago... and i'm already feeling threshold effects? I knew I had a very fast metabolism, and i've been rumored to have been balemic (sp?) because I eat so much and I never gain weight at all but that's not true at all. I had to come to the conclusion that what I was feeling was the nutmeg. I enjoyed it, and went to school.

I don't remember what happened in first period... I remember listening to music while finishing up carving my clay shoe in design class. The class ended, and I came to period 2...

My teacher turned off the lights and we watched a 'special' movie about science (fun!). Like I cared... I listened to The Crystal Method, 'trip like I do' and that's when I peaked... I felt heavily stoned... but it was different. Everything in my vision, in the corner of my eyes I was more aware of. It was weird, like my vision was enhanced.. sort of. Two major pot heads sat next to me and were talking to some girl the whole time. I don't think they noticed me at all, but if they did I probably looked so fucking stoned. I remember having the biggest smile on my face, I was in a dream-like state. I was looking at the table infront of me, it was pulsating. Finally after reading so many LSD stories online, I finally know what pulsating means. The table was alive. It had energy, and it was 'there'. In the corner of my eye, I was a butterfly-shaped figure that was glowing black-blue. I turned my head and it was gone. I went out of reality. I was just there, listening to my music, which I forgot I was listening to. It felt like I wasn't in reality, but I was seeing it, feeling it, hearing it. If anyone saw me, for the love of god they would of thought I was on some hard drugs. My eyes were very open, and I barely blinked. My head slowly wobbled in its place, with a grin on my face and a laugh ever now and then. I forgot I was on nutmeg the whole time, and it was then that I realized what was going on. How could this happen? 2-4 grams? Trippin' balls? It was then in my mind I continued the day in a narrator perspective of myself. 'I walked down the hallways to period 3' Shit like that, i said in my mind... so very annoying and I couldn't stop it for some reason.

Most of the rest of the day is a blur, but from what my friends told me, I was 'emo' and I told them I was just really tired. Throughout the school day I did not suffer any cotton mouth, head ache, dizzyness, blood shot eyes, increased heart rate, or any bad effects whatsoever. My friends also told me during period 3 I got up and hugged my teacher but they all thought I was just doing it as some silly joke. Through the day I do remember having very bad time distortion, and if the bell didn't ring every 45minutes, I would of been lost.

When I got home from school I was still having some of the effects and I thought it would be good if I could get some sleep. I tried but I failed for a few hours, but finally managed it. I also remember when I got home from school I was able to type extremely fact without any mistakes at all. Though my thinking was impaired, throughout the day, if anything, the impairment would of caused me to not notice this at all. But I was lucky to notice it, and I was able to type perfectly with my eyes closed.

Overall I may do it in the future, but I have no desire to do it again. For me atleast, it seems like something to do while just chilling around the house. The effects lasted about 6 hours, which was long enough. If it lasted 3 days like most people, I would of probably killed myself. The amount I did size wise, is about a dime of weed to a gram. I don't really remember, but not much... just an amount to put in my drink. I recieved no bad effects of it, and if I did it probably wouldn't have been worth it, I consider my experience one of the better onces compared to the stories I read.. it was worth the curiosity, but I don't plain on doing it any time soon.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58320
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 23, 2019Views: 904
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Nutmeg (41) : First Times (2), School (35)

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