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I Expected To Be Torn From This World
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   J.Glen. "I Expected To Be Torn From This World: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp5844)". Feb 5, 2002.

7.5 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
The following is a recount of my experience with Morning Glories. Please note that this was my first time trying Morning Glories, and also my first psychedelic experience. For this experiment I purchased 7.5 g of Burpe 'Heavenly Blue' Morning Glories. I rinsed the seeds off with water to try and remove any fungicide, and put them in a coffee grinder. The seeds weren't chopped as finely as I would have liked, but I used them anyway. I added the ground seeds to 16oz cold water. I then put this in the refrigerator for 15min. This left me with some water that had the more finely ground bits floating in it and the larger ones sitting at the bottom. I then drank the water. I mixed the remaining bits of seed with some yogurt and proceeded to eat.(NOTE: I have little idea where I got this complicated set of instructions.....I probably just patched it together from experience reports)

T-10min: Still eating the 'seed yogurt'. My face felt kind of tingly and my stomach began to protest.

T-15min: I began to feel quit ill so I stopped eating the yogurt, it was about ½ gone. I laid down to ease my suffering.

T-30min: 3 friends of mine showed up and I opted to go out with them rather than be by myself. Fortunately there was a modest amount of driving so I was able to sit down. Felt much more ill.

T-45min: Intense stomach pain. All my thoughts concentrated on not throwing up.

T-1hr: Took 2 chewable pepto-bismol tablets in an attempt to either ease my suffering or throw-up. I just wanted to get this pain over with and move on with my life, trip be damned. (NOTE: at this point I was really glad that I had only managed to eat ½ the yogurt.)

T-1.25hr: Thought I was going to throw-up but all that happened was I burped, then I felt better for a few min. Up to this point the only perceptual change I noticed was a strobe like effect in the bottom periphery of my vision.

T-1.5hr: A cycle of burping, feeling good, and then gradually feeling bad again. Still no real big perceptual changes yet.

T-1.75hr: Now I feel great. I don't think it's due to the LSA, but simply to the fact that I'm relived that I no longer feel sick. Still no perceptual change, so I guess the experiment was a failure......or was it.

T-2hr: Settling down to watch a movie at my friends house. I feel very happy, like I could talk all night long.

T-3hr: I just arrived back home. I passed a mirror in the foyer of my house and noticed that my pupils where extremely dilated. Up until this point I didn't think the seeds had effected me at all (aside from being sick that is).

T-3.5hr: All the doors of perception have been cleansed. My mind is flying along at light speed, maybe faster. I feel like I'm having two or three thoughts at the exact same time, and I can completely understand them all; very, very intense.

T-4hr: I walked back to that mirror. WOW! As I peered into that looking glass I saw the skin on my nose, and forehead it seems for the very first time. I'm just staring at all my physical features lips, forehead, eyebrows. Then, as I'm staring the mirror is gone, and I can see myself in living 3d. Here I am, exactly as I exist, as others see me. It's just like having another living person in front of me, except it is me, I exist in two places at once. Then, bam, I am back in my body.

Those effects continued until about T-8 hrs. Overall the experience was not at all what I was expecting. I was expecting to be torn from this world, and taken some where else, but that was not at all what happened. It had all been so subtle that I hardly knew it was happening. The only other drugs I had tried up to this point where alcohol, marijuana, and percoset. This was not at all like any of those. In spite of the fact that I read almost all of Erowid's trip reports I was still totally unprepared. I am also surprised at the lack of positive Morning Glory trip reports, as my experience was with-out-a-doubt cosmic. When I do this again I will definatly be some where near a toilette, and I will also have a bottle of pepto handy.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5844
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 5, 2002Views: 24,500
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Morning Glory (38) : Mystical Experiences (9), First Times (2), Various (28)

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