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Look Back After My 6th Trial
2C-B & Syrian Rue
by Zam
Citation:   Zam. "Look Back After My 6th Trial: An Experience with 2C-B & Syrian Rue (exp5855)". Mar 24, 2001.

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Hey all,

I had my first really positive experience with 2C-B recently, at 18mg (I think this was my 6th trial of 2C-B). It was mildly disorienting and body-painful as it came on (first 1+hr), but settled into an interesting experience. This is described elsewhere.

I had a single mildly positive experience with 7.5mg 2C-B and rue, but 2 were _negative_, bad body feel, headaches, low BP, and 2 were not positive at all.

My understanding of 2C-B now:

1) Its effects can be subtle and vary significantly with trial (based on my and several other VPL'ers experiences). I've had the opportunity so far to only work with drit's tablets.

2) It seems to reduce my blood pressure to the point of getting motion-based headaches, as it comes on, as I come down, and for the next 24 hours. There have been two papers which have shown 2C-B's bp dropping effects (I was told this after my last experience because I was talking about the bp lowering effects)... (Refs given at bottom)

3) For me and a couple people I've talked to, the initial stages of 2C-B are quite hard and I realized on my last trial that I really needed to try to relax into the experience and let the body and mind hard stuff go by... headaches and other body discomforts are common.

4) There might even be a 'learning curve' with 2C-B for some people. I'll have a better idea about this when I try it again (prolly not too soon). Another VPL'er has said that he needed several attempts before he was able to get through to something good.

On a personal note, my body has low BP normally. If 2C-B lowers BP, I may be more prone to the negative effects of this than others. Is it possible that the rue + 2C-B would increase BP to compensate for 2C-B's action of relaxing the valves? For me, the next 24 hours after 2C-B, I experience motion-sensitive headaches and get dizzy and vision-fadey when I stand up quickly. I associate this with low BP.

I am considering trying some BP increasing herbs with 2C-B next time.. ?


Saez, P. Borges Y. Gonzalez E, Cassels, BK (1994). Alpha-adrenergic and 5ht2-serotonergic effects of some beta phenethylamines on isolated rat thoracid aorta. Gen Pharm 1994,25,pp211-216. I apologize that I haven't read this, but was told by a reliable VPL'er that it discussed a relaxation in the aortic system.. and a drop in BP.

Lobos M, Borges Y, GonzalezE, Cassells BK (1992) the action of psychoactive drug 2C-B on isolated rat thoarcic aorta, Gen Pharm 23, pp1139-1142)

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 5855
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2001Views: 21,832
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2C-B (52), Syrian Rue (45) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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