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Skeptic to Convert
by qd
Citation:   qd. "Skeptic to Convert: An Experience with GHB (exp5857)". Mar 24, 2001.

3.0 g oral GHB (capsule)
I've used quite a bit of GHB, mostly when it was prescribed by my doctor and I got 250mg capsules from a mail-order pharmacy. My father also used GHB for a while to help him go to sleep at night but stopped after he had an experience which he described as 'feeling like an illegal drug'.

I had been trying out GHB, starting with 250mg the first night, and increasing it by 250mg each night until I reached 2.25 grams. I noticed no perceptible changes in emotional experience, and gave up, thinking that it was not worthy of its street name of 'Liquid E'. A few weeks later, I tried 3 grams. Still nothing. Then I put on some music, and noticed that it sounded significantly different. So I put on some dance music, and particularly appreciated the bass drum beats. I started focusing on how I felt and found that I felt quite 'opened up' emotionally. Not like E, but closer than I expected.

After I had found my dose, I wanted to try it at a rave. I took 3 grams when I arrived. As it came on, 15 minutes later, I could feel the bass beats quite strongly in his chest. This went on intensely for about an hour, and then I took another 500mg. This extended the peak some, but I described it as less intense than the peak. When I got home, I slept about 5 hours and woke up completely refreshed, which I attributed to the GHB. I said he hasn't found this (needing *less* sleep after staying up all night long) on any other substance right afterwards.

Exp Year: 1996ExpID: 5857
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 24, 2001Views: 46,902
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GHB (25) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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