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Saved My Life!
Buprenorphine & Naloxone (Suboxone)
Citation:   GameWarden. "Saved My Life!: An Experience with Buprenorphine & Naloxone (Suboxone) (exp58671)". Apr 20, 2016.

4 mg sublingual Pharms - Buprenorphine
  1 mg sublingual Naloxone
I have been on Suboxone for 3 years now and probably will be for a few more years. I'm on maintanence for Dihydromorphine addiction. (I started out taking 4 whole 8mg tablets per day).

I was a BAD drug addict and wasn't your typical street 'urchin' as I never stole or anything for my supply but rather had existing injuries from the UCMC [USMC?] and kind of lied about the pain... Moving right along. I thought I was a hopeless druggie and just had a failed marriage and was fired from my job so life sucked. I needed a fix and was in the throes of withdraw when a good friend came over and said 'here, put this under your tongue!' I looked at him a lil' funny but was worth a try. Hell anything would have been better than nothing at all...right?

Well in about 20 minutes my diarrhea subsided and I got my energy back in a few moments following the dose. Actually started to feel a little but high. I was needless to say very grateful! My friend (who is an MD) said I need you to come to my office for a bit and talk. I thought maybe I had done something and was gonna hear all about it but actually it was great news. He said 'this is a highly experimental drug and would like to know if you would be willing to be a test subject.' I said 'experimental huh? With a little skepticism. I didn't care if it turned me into a guinea pig as long as I felt better!

So after much deliberation I was out the door with a script and a factsheet and ready to feel better! It was SUBOXONE. I love this stuff, because I finally got my life back as well as my beautiful wife, and now a Child on the way! HOORAY! Also, I got back into school and working hard at becoming a Game warden to complete my dream! (of a normal life)

Suboxone is a GODSEND to myself and I suppose many, many, others as well! Thank you sooo much. I only relapsed 1 time but it wasn't Heroin or any opiate but rather Xanax when my Great Grandmother (who raised me as her own) died. I took it real hard when she moved on.

It's useless to smoke crack or use Cocaine in general when on Suboxone, because it doesn't let it work! I know this from my early recovery when I was trying to substitute my DOC (Drug of Choice) for my second favorite. Glad it did that though cause now I live a great life and every day is a true blessing!
Thank you Suboxone. We (my family) Thanks you! & God Bless!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 58671
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 20, 2016Views: 3,178
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265), Naloxone (339) : Glowing Experiences (4), Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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