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New Year Suprise
by NY
Citation:   NY. "New Year Suprise: An Experience with Cocaine (exp58675)". Jun 14, 2007.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
I have been using Coke for about a year in small amounts, the odd line given free from a friend. The last 6 months though I have regulary bought coke, at first I would buy a gram and it would last a weekend, then I regulary bought 2 grams on a weekend and more recently I have been buying 3-4 grams and whatever was left using this during the week. Although to be honest their was rarely much left for the week. The highs intially were good but I found increasingly that I built a tolerance and was left feeling increasingly disapointed with the high, and to compensate was doing more and more.

This along with the high cost lead to a decision, to quit. Here lay the suprise, I made a new years resolution to stop,and have for 8 days now whilst this may not seem a long time I have had an increasing calling in my head to get more. I naivley assumed you could just stop taking this stuff, however I dream about it every night wake up in cold sweats, it occupies my mind constantly, and whilst I havent given in to this calling I often find myself feeling panicky about having given up. I have tried many drugs before and enjoyed them recreationally.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58675
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 14, 2007Views: 4,331
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Cocaine (13) : Post Trip Problems (8), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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