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Things Were Spiraling Out of Control
Cocaine & Crack
by Gin
Citation:   Gin. "Things Were Spiraling Out of Control: An Experience with Cocaine & Crack (exp58702)". Aug 27, 2018.

    repeated smoked Crack
    repeated   Cocaine
Crazy Time

It was my freshman year in college, in richmond virginia, I was finally away from home, and of course I thought I had everything under control. I had worked all summer and earned 3000 dollars, and to my surprise the first month of school I was down to 500, because of my now out of control drug habit. At first I was doing small amounts of coke and soon got to the point where I was fiending, for crack as well. I wass not as easily affected by crack as I was coke... Crack was a dirty habit, and I really got dragged in when I met a boy who I really had feelings for, dragged me into the scene. He scared me. He was a REAL crackhead. He made me run threw the woods with him and asking me to shove the crack pipe into my vagina. He honestly thought the swat teeam was after him. Any light he saw he would freeze up and panic. At his house, he turned all his lights off and made me sit in the dark on his bed while he stared at me from the bathroom. Scary .... Then my friend started to scare me when she would do crack, she wouldnt stop trying to hit the pipe, when it was obviously all gone... Things were spiraling out of control and I was friends began to have sex with random guys who had coke to get fucked up, and at one point we were sold heroin thinking it was coke and got extremely fucked up. I am only writing this because I want others to see what can happen in a VERY short period of time, even if one thinks they are level headed, because things can quickly become skewed once one has had enough.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 58702
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 27, 2018Views: 1,829
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Crack (82), Cocaine (13) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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