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Learning As I Go
4-Ho-DiPT & Citalopram
Citation:   Hellbilly. "Learning As I Go: An Experience with 4-Ho-DiPT & Citalopram (exp58841)". Apr 12, 2007.

10 mg oral 4-HO-DiPT (liquid)
  40 mg oral Pharms - Citalopram (daily)
Subject A is a Caucasian male, early-mid thirties, 240lbs

Took a known-active low dose. A was not really pursuing any sort of 'experience' per se. Rather, only interested in seeing whether the compound will be active given A's internal chemistry at this time.

A has been on an SSRI, Citalopram (Celexa) for about 2 months, currently taking 40mg daily. Not sure whether the citalopram will reduce or potentiate the effects.

Weighed out approximately 10mg of the compound. The scale is not trusted to be 100% accurate, though it does weigh to 0.001g (1mg). Hands were shakey in anticipation.

Disolved ~10mg of 4-Hydroxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine in 4 oz of orange juice. Prepared a combo of Yogi Tea Calming and Stomach Ease formulas for sipping during the come-up to prevent any anxiety or nausea.

There is a full bottle of 1mg Lorazepam (Ativan) on hand if necessary.

Two 3oz martinis and two light beers were consumed the night before, and one 1mg lorazepam to help fall asleep (alcohol sometimes keeps A awake).

T 0:00 = 3:00 PM
Bottom's up!

A turned the phone to beep and put on a mix of eastern spiritual music: CDs by Craig Pruess, Krishna Das, Manish Vyas & Dina Awwad, Ravi Shankar, Russill Paul, and Vas on shuffle. Milk Drop plugin for visuals. Plan to do some internet surfing on chemisty and reading trip reports.

T 0:10 - Nothing yet, just anxious.

T 0:15 - Possible first alert

T 0:25 - Definite alert

T 0:20 - The compound is active. Looking forward to the ride up for the next hour.

T 0:30 - Wow, only ten minutes? Only 30 minutes? Hands are pretty shakey, but still able to type. Feeling really warm. This is pretty intense! There's a bit of nervousness as well. Wasn't expecting this.

T 0:35 - Can barely type. Very shakey. At a +++

T 0:37 - Hands are sooo shakey typing. This seems more intense than the last experience at this dosage.

T 0:39 - Mental state is very good if A just sits back and enjoys. But A's hands are sooo shakey typing!

T 0:41 - Plateaued?

T 0:45 - No. This track Iman by Vas is really taking A somewhere ...

T 0:50 - Very good!

T 0:55 - Phone just beeped and A's contemplating that A couldn't have even thought seriously of answering it. Would have if it were his gf. Hands aren't so shakey now, or A just doesn't mind it.

T 1:00 - Really enjoying this immensely!!! Listening Allah Akbar, Ya Rahimo Ya Rahman by Manish Vyas and Dina Awwad. Love her voice and the drums!

T 1:05 - Interesting to note that in spite of all the amped up energy, there is a subtle feeling of sedation underlying it all.

T 1:07 - Just noticed some visual movement of the walls and other surfaces.

T 1:18 - Just chilling out, listening to music. Enjoying this. The intensity has diminished, but maintaining a nice ++ at this time.

T 1:22 - Reading, still noticing the words on the monitor smoothly moving about, though never jumbled.

T 1:27 - Wow, it's been 5 minutes? lol Noticing some irridescent hues on surfaces in CEVs. Thinking about how A needs to love more and appreciate love more in life. A's a little negative by nature, Capricorn Moon and all that. But love is there, in the world, for everyone, to be experienced and enjoyed.

In a very trippy headspace ...

T 1:42 - Just checking in. Still tripping.

T 1:45 - Wondering about responsibility. A feels irrisponsible in many ways, but always feels weighed down by responsibility. A does all the necessary things to function in society, but lets a lot of things go, too, in personal life/world. Deciding not to dwell on this ...

T 2:00 - Definitely coming down. Feeling a little chilled. Apartment is 72, wearing sweats. Normally that's comfortably cool.

T 2:12 - Was laying down with the cat, listening to her purr. Really enjoying that. Thinking that A needs to learn to experience love, appreciate it, instead of always thinking A must DO it. Seem to be caught in the Ego portion of being the Agent, 'if I don't do it it won't be done.' A is not open or passive to any experiences, really. This is a survival mechanism that has kept A from depression or slipping into victim-mentality during hard times. But at this point in life, A needs to just enjoy life.

T 2:15 - The intensity of the trip has worn off, but still tripping for sure. Can type without shaking now. Perhaps falling to the low end of ++ . Was definitly in +++ land for a while.

T 2:18 - Thinking about how this was titled 'Learing as I Go' when at the start a couple of hours ago. The title seems so much more significant now. Feels like A has been totally immersed in this experience beyond expectations. Wondering if the SSRI potentiated the Tryptamine, or if this is just 4-HO-DiPT being unpredictable?

T 2:30 - Still feeling the effects. Must still be a **.

T 2:50 - Close to baseline. Going to the grocery store w/ gf. She's driving.

T 3:30 - Surprising that at home A might have thought he was mostly back to baseline, while at the grocery store, A still had the strong feeling of not being 'normal.'

T 4:30 - Took a shower. Very sweaty afterward. In the subtle + area.

Continued to feel the lingering effects for a couple more hours. Took a 400iu Vitamin E, 1000mg Vitamin C, 50mg B6, 3mg Melatonin and 1mg Lorazepam before bed and slept well. No effects the next day.

This was a very enjoyable experience and more came of it than expected. Far more intense than the last experience at the same dose. The conclusion is that either a) the measure was off and A ingested slightly more than 10mg, b) the SSRI Celexa potentiates 4-HO-DiPT, or c) 4-HO-DiPT is just unpredictable.

In any case, the SSRI Celexa DID NOT reduce the effects of the Tryptamine 4-Hydroxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine in this subject.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 58841
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 12, 2007Views: 23,075
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4-HO-DiPT (281), Pharms - Citalopram (227) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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