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A World in a Cloud Sky Matrix
Morning Glory Seeds (Heavenly Blue)
by DK
Citation:   DK. "A World in a Cloud Sky Matrix: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (Heavenly Blue) (exp5944)". Feb 6, 2002.

120 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  30 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Morning Glory Experiment

Thursday March 2001

Weight: Approx 110lbs
Dose: 120 seeds
T+ 15 30 seeds

Purchased 3 bags of 50 seeds. Heavenly blue morning glory. The packet said 'poisonous' so this leads me to believe that they have been treated. Actually this is more than likely considering I bought them from a garden centre.

I've had a few ginger nut biscuits and hour or so before to help with the nausea.


I opened the bags of seeds. This is my first time and I want to establish a baseline dose. I counted 120 seeds. If successful I will take a larger dose next time. I live with my mother so don't want to be too out of it while she is around.

I washed the seeds in a sieve and then put them in a jar with a little ecover (washing up liquid). I gave it a shake for a while and then poured them back into the sieve. I rinsed them very throughly with cold water.

I emptied them onto some kitchen towel to soak up the water. Then I put them in on a tray and left them to dry for a while. 20 mins later they seem dry enough for grinding.

I put about half of them into a manual coffee grinder and grind them up. I look in the drawer where the powder falls and its pretty fine. I grind the remainder.

I add about 100ml of cold tap water to Dr Pepper bottle and pour the powder in. I cap it and give it a good shake. I stick it in the fridge to settle.

Filtered the juice and drank it. Ate the pulp with some yoghurt (idea from another report )


No more than 15 minutes later I could feel effects. I thought it was my body doing what my mind wanted it to but no, I could not ignore it. This was no placebo effect. My upper field of vision had a strobing effect. Like opening and shutting my eyes very very faster. But faster still to physically unobtainable levels. I decided to eat the remaining 30 seeds. I washed them and munched on them. The started to get very 'pacey' I mean to say, nothing would hold my attention for very long at all. I was watching TV and kept changing the channels, decided to listen to music and then turn it off halfway though a song (hey baby new rising sun - Jimi Hendrix). I tried looked at a psychedelic screen saver but It was annoying. I just wanted to keep moving around doing things. I felt a little naseous. I decided to go out for a ride around the countryside on a bicycle. I was a fairly nice day considering all the rain we've been having too. After a mile or so I stopped on a remote bride going over a canal and sat down. I was feeling hot from cycling and was starting to not enjoy the nausea, but that was the peak of it, the sick feeling went down by them. I'd say after 2 hours of the initial ingestion was when the nausea stopped. So, here I am sitting on this bridge and I'm staring at the wall the other side of the bridge and then at my hands and I'm having trouble focusing on the foreground and background simultaneously. I think my depth perception was altered. I would just stare at certain things for ages too. It didn't have to be 'interesting' either. It could just be my jeans or bike tyre.

I got up and rode the bike around a little more. I always kept going round the same area and ending back at this bridge. I did the circuit twice and ended up at the bridge about three times. Before I took the MG I was thinking the bridge would be cool to go to. I end up at the bridge again and stared at the clouds in the sky. It felt like the earth was just in the blue sky and we were moving away from them. Like looking out at the clouds and feeling they are moving further and further away. It was just subtle, not major. I would also see tiny white 'sparks' dancing around sometimes. I could also see transparent biological structures moving around but see that normally. I have done so for years, just as I can see fractals and the third eye when I close my eyes sometimes. There was nothing like trails or anything. I could hear things more clearly too. I was very aware of the ego. I was aware that I was me, in my body experiencing this. Sober, I don't think like that. I felt I thought some rather profound thoughts too. I decided that an adult is still just a child just with many experiences which make them appear adult. When one becomes an adult, the do not swap their personality or ego for that of an adult, the simply add to the one of a child.

I felt that by outer body (shell) was sober, my inner being was on the MG and my mind was thinking like I do if I'm stoned. I had not had anything to smoke though. I got home and my pupils were fairly large, overly large for present light levels. Some things where slighy funny for little reason. A sibling asked why I had a grin on my face. I just found the thought of me around them, and them not having a clue about what was going on in my head funny. I thought I was just normal and sober.

I think some of the effects were overrided but the MG husk because it was ground up in a fine powder, it was digested and I got the poisons?

I think this time, on a lowish dose I felt like was had been stoned earlier on in the day and it was wearing off. My mind was being a lot more active though. My body also felt slightly dense , sluggish. Similar to how I would feel when rising early in the morning.

It has been around nine hours since I ingested the MG now and can still feel the effects albeit slightly. As I have said before, I felt like I had a spliff about 4 hours ago.

Next time I may use the method from the FAQ where you remove the poisons.

I'd like to get more trippy effects next time so will do a larger dose, but will try and keep the nausea low.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5944
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2002Views: 24,802
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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