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AMT Turned Me into Don Juan
AMT & Cannabis
Citation:   The Director. "AMT Turned Me into Don Juan: An Experience with AMT & Cannabis (exp5999)". Apr 4, 2001.

42 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
First of all, AMT is wonderful. I've tripped lightly-medium twice on LSD and tried XTC once and AMT was like a shit load of both for 18hours! Anyway, on with the story...

I took the gelcap at 11am on a Saturday morning. I was spending the day with my girlfriend (but she didn't have any, she's little scared of these things). It took forever to feel anything, at about 2pm I got some real strange pain in my stomach, it was quite uncomfortable. I wasn't feeling anything else at this point and I decided I needed some pot. What a great idea that was, every cone felt so good and after 5 of them, my stomach pain was gone and I started to feel quite euphoric.

My girlfriend wanted to go shopping, so we headed off to the shopping center. I was feeling like I could handle it but it kept getting stronger and stronger. I noticed that my hearing was super-sensitive and I isolate a certain sound out of the 1000's that were going on. My eyes were getting a bit sensitive too, everything was so bright.

It's about 4:30pm now, we leave the mall and go for a drive. The wind felt good and I was quite enjoying just driving around, still no visual activity though. Then something bad happened, on the way home we got caught in a traffic jam and that bummed me out a bit. Setting has a huge impact of this drug. Not to worry too much though because it only held us up for about 30mins.

We got home at about 6:30 and I had a couple of cones, moment later the experience got extremely psychedelic. Tracers, patterns, things melting and flowing, I've never seen anything like it. This was in candlelight though, bright like sort of overpowered the visuals and was hard to handle but soft light was warm, gentle, visual and comforting. Time dilution was amazing too, minutes seemed like hours and hours would feel like minutes. Contrary to what I expected the euphoric and empathic quality of AMT didn't disappear when the visual came in, they got a little lighter but were still a definite part of the experience.

It was then like I was transformed into Don Juan, I was saying such beautiful, truthful and poetic things to my girlfriend. She really is very beautiful and I do love her very much, the emotions, words and actions didn't feel endued by the AMT, they felt revealed by it. I thought myself to explore every part of her body, making love for hours like you wouldn't believe. I was so connected with her, a number of times I would feel like she had communicated with me telepathically and when I asked her if that was what she was just thinking, I got it %100 right like %90 of the time. Sex wasn't that important though, I was just as happy just kissing and rubbing against her.

Well, that's the end of the interesting stuff. Other side effects were massive jaw clenching (I chewed the absolute crap out of a straw the whole night) and a headache about 10hours in but a couple of Nurofen every couple of hours took care of take. Oh, and you really need some relaxing drug for the very end of it, I used Xanax and a little codeine. I saw some really freaking things that night (especially in the mirror) and if I hadn't prepared myself mentally so well, I most probably would have freaked out but if you embrace it, it'll be nice to you... I can't wait to try a little more.

Be prepared,
The Director

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5999
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 4, 2001Views: 11,747
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AMT (7) : Various (28), Sex Discussion (14), First Times (2)

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